A June 8, 2010 online video of a national magazine asks, are girls superior to boys. I won't name the magazine. Media organizations do these ancient silly elementary school yard debates to increase viewership to sell ads.
It also asks is the new economy better managed by girls. Based on the choices and privileges females have in this society and economy I would say that girls are superior. Boys have built an economy, and government, that is better suited for girls than boys. The laws in divorce, child custody, domestic violence, all favor women. Women are benefiting more from this collective, not individual society, than men. Men are not treated equal to women in a court of law. A woman's weakness is her strength in a court of law. A man's strength is his weakness in a court of law.
If we went back to a society of 1800 that had no electricity,automobiles, hydraulics, birth control pill, running water, factory robots, etc., you would see men having more value than they do today. You would also see women having more value then, than now, to produce children to help on the farm and to care for the elderly.
I think the realization that men have developed a society filled with technology that may have made men unnecessary is somewhat liberating for men. Most men are taught that they have responsibility, as President Obama reminds us on Fathers Day.
But men are realizing they don't have the authority to go with the responsibility. Responsibility without authority makes men slaves.
Now that women are going to rule the world, responsibility will fall on their shoulders, along with the authority they already have, right? Don't count on women ever accepting responsibility when things go bad. Have you ever heard a woman accept responsibility for her own unhappiness? She will blame her unhappiness on a man, or men.
Before men built this society of technological wonders women who did not get married and have children were known as spinsters, or old maids, and ended up in dead end jobs. Now those women who choose to be spinsters are serving on the U.S. Supreme Court or other high positions in government,
When men start their WOE program, Withdrawal Of Enthusiasm, women will wail and moan even more about how difficult it is to find a good man, a euphemism for finding a good servant. Today there are more girls than boys graduating from college. Boys have learned it is a girl's country. Government rules favor girls in competition. Boys are starting their WOE program. Boys ask, why struggle and earn more when it will only be taken from him by the State and divorce courts? What girls want girls get. What girls don't want, boys get.
To determine which gender is more valuable you have to remove all government involvement in the relationships between men and women. If there were no civil rights act or marriage and divorce laws the free market would decide which gender has the strongest bargaining position. But, as long as we are deciding the value of a gender to society based on the ballot box, laws governing behavior and private contracts, then we will only know which gender has the most political power, not the most value.
One thing we forget is supply and demand. In an over populated society women are needed less to reproduce the population. In a dwindling society women may be needed more to produce more babies.
The same can be said about the supply of men in a time of war. If the world was all at peace then there would be less need for males.
Which gender is more valuable to you? Try to imagine you are alone on an island and can choose one person to share the island with. Would you pick someone of your own gender or someone of the opposite gender?
Even if you pick someone based on their value, value usually translates into power between individuals. All relationships are about power. The person who can live alone has more power over the person who cannot.
If women are superior to men why do they need so much help from the governments?
If women are superior to men why did they not write the Declaration of Independence?
If women are superior to men why aren't there more women in congress than men?
If women are superior to men why do female defendants in court often claim they were under the control of a man?
I believe the future gender wars will disappear as artificial intelligences and bio engineering change humans. With artificial intelligences and bio engineering changes in the future it will be necessary to go to a zoo or museum to see someone that looks like we look today. When we all become hermaphrodites the gender conflicts will be over. Until then, look for more feminizing of America.
"Let us be grateful to people who
make us happy, they are the charming
gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust
No road is long with good company. ~Turkish Proverb
Charles Tolleson