Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Government Graduation Ceremonies

Have you noticed how many government institutions have graduation ceremonies? There are graduation ceremonies from 2 months of military basic training. Basic training is designed to turn one into good compliant members of the socialist state. The basic training graduates even gets a ribbon to wear on their chest. Ribbons used to be for bravery. Now they are for anything.

And the government police and fire employees have their ceremonies.

There are even graduation ceremonies for a child leaving day care to enter kindergarten.

Many years ago there were fewer government graduation ceremonies. Now the government has found ceremonies, where families are invited, validates the importance of the government mob. No matter that a child has just graduated from preschool, the government is praising themselves for doing what the private sector could do better and more efficiently. These ceremonies are designed to instill pride, a deadly sin, and respect for the government mob. The government leaders get to dress up at these ceremonies, and any other government ceremonies, and present themselves as someone who is important and should be respected.

When I graduated from basic training in 1953 there was no graduation ceremony. We received our next assignment; mine was for three months of radio school where I became a Morse code operator. After basic training they gave us a weekend pass. I went to town, rented a hotel room, and slept for 12 hours!

After graduation from radio school there was no graduation ceremony. They said, "Fall in! Here are your travel orders and a ten day leave. See ya!" That was in an era when all of my comrades were males, and most were drafted. There was no need to coddle them and give them false praise.

Today our society falsely praises every kid, even those below average. Our society tells them a lie by telling them they can be anything they want to be. Praise is a wonderful thing. False praise is a dangerous thing.

These government ceremonies inflate the value of the graduate. The graduate now thinks the ceremony entitles them to success. The ceremony creates an illusion and expectation of value. Destroy our illusions and you destroy our happiness. Still, the unhappy graduate will believe they are "entitled" to the same prizes as those who never attended the government schools and had no ceremony, but are successful through hard work, desire, and determination.

Here is an article about a young girl that never experienced a government graduation ceremony because she was home schooled. Yet, she was accepted to Harvard and other top colleges.

The private sector does not have these superfluous ceremonies. The free enterprise system will validate performance. A ceremony will not.

Charles Tolleson

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Females to Serve on U.S. Navy Submarines

The U.S. Navy has decided to allow females to serve on submarines with what have been all male crews in the past.

The egalitarians and the feminists simply cannot stand the thought of there being some all male bastion where women cannot go. Feminists cannot stand the thought that there is something men can do, serve on a submarine, but women cannot do. This means men and women are not equal!

Imagine a 90 day cruise with a coed crew and the curse of Mother Nature running through the young males each day, and the curse of Mother Nature running through the young females on the days they are ovulating. Animals have basic instincts, to mate and survive.

Out of the 52,000 females in the U.S. Navy you would think it a simply task to find two hundred females to fill a complete, all female submarine crew. So why not have a submarine with an all female crew?

Because it is not about having women serve on submarines. It is about politics. The Department of Defense must accede to the wishes of female members of congress for funding. It is about having women in control of men. The men will have to behave around the women. The men will risk disciplinary action unless they kow tow to the female crew members. The women will have the power to ruin a man's career. She will get to approve or disapprove of many male actions and speech.

Women also need to be around men to see men's desire for women. It gives women a sense of value. All her life she has been told that men desire her, and that is her power, so she needs that confirmation.

The navy is only assigning female officers, for now, to the submarines. These female officers will be giving orders to the enlisted male crew members, about 140 enlisted male crew members per submarine.

It's all about power, power for the ruling class in America, the females.

"A good part - and definitely the most fun part - of being a feminist is about frightening men." Julie Burchill

Charles Tolleson

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lord of War

I don’t watch many movies. They are politically correct or romantic ‘chick flicks’. Some movies are about violence and sadistic torture. Some of the academy awards go to the violent movies. The producers produce what sells.

I did watch a movie on TV recently, Lord of War. I enjoyed the dialogue and the voice over by the main character about the good and evil of men.

Lord of War is a 2005 political crime thriller film written and directed by Andrew Niccol which stars Nicolas Cage. Cage plays an illegal arms dealer with similarities to post-Soviet arms dealers Viktor Bout and Leonid Minin. The film was officially endorsed by the human rights group Amnesty International for highlighting the trafficking of weapons by the international arms industry.

Yuri brings Vitaly, his brother, played by Jared Leto, along to Liberia, saying he can't trust anyone there. During the transaction, Vitaly sees a group of villagers kill a woman and her child with machetes and tries to convince Yuri to stop.

After the village scene of the people killing others with machetes I thought it would have been appropriate for Yuri to opine on the evils of humans. Yuri could have said something like, “I wonder who the arms dealer is that sells machetes? There probably is not much profit in machetes, but, if the world prohibits the production of guns then the demand for machetes will go up, and so will the profit.”

Lord of War reminds us of the evil of humans. At the end of the movie Yuri thinks about the quote from Edmund Burke, "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." Then Yuri says-, evil WILL prevail. The movie failed to explain that evil has been happening between humans for thousands of years, long before gunpowder, and without gunpowder today, evil would still be happening.

You say people are basically good. I say they are basically evil and only act good for their self interest and to prevent punishment.

I challenge you to find one hundred of the best people you know. Fifty men and fifty women, half democrats and half republicans. Half black and half white, Half Christian and half Jews. All good people, the saints of the earth. Then put them on an island with no one else around or no way to contact outsiders. Now, how long do you think it will be before some of those "best" people start practicing evil against each other? How long before someone covets thou neighbor's wife, or husband? How long do you think these "good" people can exist in peace and harmony without laws to constrain their seven deadly sins? The results will likely be the same as happened to the Bounty mutineers who settled on Pitcairn Island in 1790 and what was displayed about human behavior in "Lord of the Flies".

If one of the "Best" people you know starts to produce vegetables on the island the other "Best" people will steal the vegetables. It is easier to steal than to produce vegetables. Then rules will be imposed to make the "Good" people act good. But they will be basically evil, only acting good because it is in their best interest.

This interesting passage was also from the Wikipedia article. “A brief postscript notes that while private arms dealers do a lot of business; the five largest arms exporters – the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China – are also the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council”. It seems these countries want to prohibit any competition in the arms trade. They want to remain a cartel in the arms trade, and they have the votes to prohibit competition, and evil prevails.

Charles Tolleson

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The General Welfare Clause

There has been much written about the general welfare clause in the U.S. Constitution. Two good articles are here and here.

I believe congress will use the "promote the general welfare" clause as an excuse for many laws and regulations that in fact harm the general welfare. Congress has created a nation of dependents. That is not promoting the general welfare of the union. These laws have demoted the general welfare of the United States. Congress should be promoting self reliance, confidence and independence in the citizens.

Tribes and groups have always advocated for the general welfare of the group. It is in the best interest of the individual to look after their own welfare, even if it means taking something from others. This was more efficient in small tribes where those who did not produce were shunned or even expelled. Men who did not produce something for the general welfare did not get to mate. But, in large tribes, non producers are mostly invisible to the producers, while producers are visible and vilified as greedy and evil people. Promoting the general welfare in large tribes rewards non production and punishes production.

It is estimated that when the latest government health care is implemented that 70% of the population will be receiving more from the government than they are paying in. This is not promoting the general welfare of the country.

It could be argued that the U.S. invasion of Mexico, though immoral, promoted the general welfare of the U.S. though it harmed the general welfare of Mexico.

The Lousiana Purchase promoted the general welfare of the United States, though the American Indians did not have a say in the purchase of their land.

It could be argued that the invasion of the Confederate States of America was promoting the general welfare of the United States, though it cost 600,000 lives! Legally, yes. But, morally, to prohibit people from declaring their independence, I believe harmed not only the general welfare of the United States but the general welfare of people all over the world who want the right to declare their independence.

Legally it would be a sound argument that the creation of the Federal Reserve, a private bank for bankers, was promoting the general welfare. Legally yes. But did its inflationary policies promote the general welfare? I say no.

Congress critters have taken an oath to uphold the constitution. So have many other government mobsters. They are required to obey the constitution. I am not. I did not sign the constitution. To me it is authority only over those who swear to uphold it. It has authority over all government employees. It has no authority over me.

"Anyone who can walk to the welfare office can walk to work". Al Capp

Bilbo Baggins

Monday, April 05, 2010

Census Harassment Jobs

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises a formidable outcry in defence of custom." Thomas Paine ('Common Sense')

The Census Bureau estimates there are 115 million households in the U.S. In 2000 the bureau estimated 68% of households returned the 2000 census survey.

If that 68% holds true for the 2010 survey that means that about 78 million households will return the survey. About 37 million households will not return the survey.

The Census Bureau plans to hire over one million part time workers to help canvas neighborhoods. (Which gender will be assigned to the good neighborhoods and which gender will be assigned to the bad neighborhoods while both genders receive the same pay?)

One million workers to canvas thirty seven million households means each worker will only have about 37 households to canvas. Why so many workers? How long will it take one person to canvas 37 households?

The part time census workers are a way to reduce the unemployment, which is why the government is hiring so many workers. It is not just the act of the current administration trying to reduce unemployment for the 2010 election. Any administration would do the same.

The census survey is constitutional in it allows a population count to determine apportionment of the 435 members of the House. The states that increase populations during the ten years between surveys will get more representatives to congress and the states that lose populations will get fewer representatives. Liberal states like Michigan may see a decrease in population in the current survey while conservative state Texas will likely see and increase in population, thus giving a conservative state one more representative while a liberal state gets one less representative. Now, do you really think the government employees who count the survey returns are so pure and noble that they will not tamper with the survey results?

The census workers are enablers to the State. As they harass you they will justify their use of force as, "I need a job!"

It is a Bizzaro world when we are forced to pay government employees to harass us.

Bilbo Baggins, from his hobbit hole on Htrae.