My Heroes
Where have all the positive male role models gone? When I was young my male role models were plentiful. My favorites were; Batman, Superman, and Captain Marvel. They are still my heroes, but for different reasons of those in my youth. Today they are my heroes because they are the only people, though fictional people, who do not become corrupted with their absolute power. These heroes of mine were not government employees.
Other heroes of my youth were cowboys Lash La Rue, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, The Lone Ranger, and Hopalong Cassidy.
Where are the male heroes today for young men? If you peruse the television programs you will find many manginas, (Men acting like they have vaginas), males sharing leading roles with females. If you watch most of the crime shows you will find women who are heroines for young women, but very few male heroes for young men. If Sherlock Holmes was written today and shown on TV the role would be, Shirley Holmes, played by a female, with the male, Dr. Watson as her assistant.
The few TV roles that show men with intelligence, such as Dr. House and Detective Monk, show House and Monk as misfits with some psychological problems.
The females in the coed TV roles are always prescient. The males are always last to get "it". Equal male and female roles have the females walking in front, leading. Males are following, walking behind.
In the early 20th century men worked in factories and farms. Women worked hard around the house and garden. Cooking three meals per day on a wood burning stove. Pumping water and washing clothes by hand. It was a hard life for both men and women. But, each had their space. Men could spend hours each day not seeing a female. Today men have no sanctuary from females. Women will soon be serving with men on U.S. Submarines.
Compare that to the 21st century where America has become feminized. Even ESPN sports has females talking about male sports. Business channels are filled with anchorettes who are great talkers. TV ads show females in positive roles because females are more believable than males. Males shown in TV ads are bumblers and incompetents.
For centuries people worshiped gods and kings. Now the new religion is government, and the latest goddess to worship is feminism. The White House announced in 2009 a Council on Women and Girls. The purpose of the council is to see that the needs of women and girls are met. No mention of the needs of men and boys.
There are no more heroes. The villains are now the white males.
Black men got the right to vote fifty years before white women. A black man became President of the U.S. before a woman. If Barrack Obama had been white, Hillary Clinton would have been the first female President of the U.S.
As young girls see women on TV in aggressive roles, future generations of females will become more confrontational. As young boys are brainwashed into being more sensitive and passive, future generations of males will become more passive. Look for the major differences of males and females to diminish in the future. The sperm count of males has been declining for the past few years.
Feminists, like unions, are never satisfied. More! More! More! They want to rule the world. What women want, women get. What women don't want, men get.
Bilbo Baggins, The Happy Masculist