The War Bureaucracy Needs Enemies
83% of Kenyans are Christian. No wonder the U.S. has been helping a Christian nation fight Muslims in nearby Somali. Somali is about 99% Islam, with a fraction of Christians. The U.S. Seal Team invaded Somali looking for a Muslim leader.
Why does the U.S. act as the world's judge, jury, and executioner? Because it has the power and power corrupts.
The wars of religions continue. Do you think there would be any wars if the whole world was Jewish, or Buddhist, or Hindu?
The U.S. has agreements with small countries like Israel. Israel is a liability, not an asset. It costs the U.S. more than the U.S. gains. The big beneficiary of these agreements is the U.S. War Bureaucracy. They benefit because an agreement with a little county like Kenya will embolden the little country to attack Somali, which it did in October 17, 2011, because it has the backing of the mighty U.S.
So, when Somali retaliates against Kenya, with the Mall attack, the U.S. War Bureaucracy finds another excuse to use its force, saying we have to defend our allies. When the U.S. uses its force against a country that has not attacked the U.S., the War Bureaucracy is creating enemies, enemies it needs if the War Bureaucracy wants to keep its funding.
"War Is A Racket" by General Smedley Butler, is so true. War gives the government power. The government keeps its people in a state of fear, and a basic human need, after food and water, is safety. This craving for safety makes humans give up their power for the PROMISE and illusion of safety. What they fail to ask is, who will protect us from our protectors?
In the name of safety the U.S. citizens have given up much of their freedoms. The U.S. citizens are monitored by the government employees more than any other country's citizens are monitored. The U.S. government has power King George and other tyrants would envy. There are 4500 federal laws. There are thousands of state, county, and city laws that makes the U.S. one vast prison, from sea to shinning sea. Yet the sheep will stand at public events and with their hand over their heart sing the words, "o'er the land of the free". "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Wolfgang von Goethe.
An old proverb says, "The believer is happy, the doubter is wise".
People want to believe they are free, even if they are not. If you destroy their beliefs you will destroy their happiness. That's why believers become violent when their beliefs are challenged. They don't want to admit they are wrong and have their happiness destroyed. Think of how many people were burned at the stake in order to protect the believers' beliefs.
Someday a child will be born who will ask, "Mom, what was freedom?"
Charles Tolleson,