Chicago's New Gun Law
Chicago's ban on guns was struck down by the Supreme Court. Chicago passed a new ordinance that is so restrictive and complex it will make gun ownership difficult for citizens of Chicago who want to own guns.
Some of the restrictions are;
-Residents cannot buy more than one gun a month.
-Prospective gun owners must take training classes.
-Anyone convicted of a violent crime, or anyone with 2 or more DUI's cannot own a gun.
-Assault weapons are banned.
-All guns require a city firearms permit.
-Firearms could be possessed only inside the dwelling. It would be illegal to have a gun in the garage, on the front porch or in the yard. Guns also would not be allowed in hotels, dorms and group living facilities.
-Only one gun can be kept in an operable position in the home. All others guns must be stored away with a trigger lock in place.
That seems like infringement to me.
Gun owners cannot take their guns out of their house. I wonder if Mayor Daley, the City Council, and the police will leave their guns at home! Of course not. If no one is allowed to take their guns out of their houses why would the Mayor need an armed bodyguard? Why would the police need guns? The police can use a taser to disable those who resist arrest.
Gun owners cannot take their guns outside their homes. What if a gun owner sees someone stealing their car from their driveway? Can they use a gun to stop the theft and protect their property? According to the law, no! The police want the monopoly on the protection racket. If you can protect yourself you don't need to pay the police their exorbitant salaries and early retirements.
If people think they are safe where guns are banned they should look at prisons. Guns are not allowed in prisons yet they are violent places to live.
If the gun haters could ban guns, violence would continue. Then the gun haters would want to ban knives. When the violence continues the gun haters would want to ban clubs and stones. They continue live in a delusional world where they think they can pass legislation that will create a society where everyone loves everyone.
People live in irrational fear. Safety, or the perception of safety, is more important to them than freedom, so they demand the government mob confiscate our guns.
Power corrupts and the corruptible are attracted to power. If you take guns aways from the citizens, but allow the government mob to carry guns, what kind of sociopath do you think will want to be a government employee. If the masses have no guns how will they protect themselves from their protectors?
To prevent mass shootings at schools, teachers should be required to pass a gun shooting class. Then they could carry a concealed gun in school, but not be required to. As it stands now, by law, schools are gun free zones. A police station is not a gun free zone. Why do shooters not go to police stations to shoot?
Some people just don't like the idea of owning guns and they want to impose their desires onto others claiming they are better people than gun owners. The desire to do good is most often a desire to control others.
In the past ten years there have been about 220 deaths from mass shooters, in a country of over 300 million people! During that ten year period about 5000 people were killed by their spouses. What are the odds of you being a victim of a mass shooter? Not very high! Still, many people live with irrational fear thinking their odds are very high. They should be afraid of their spouses and domestic partners because their odds of being killed by a spouse of domestic partner are much higher.
Charles Tolleson