Equal Pay for Unequal Work
Lilly Ledbetter sued her former employer for pay discrimination. She was doing the same job as males were but was paid less. Ledbetter won but was denied because of the statue of limitations.
If an employer could get women to do the same job as men and pay women less then more women would be hired. No business could compete with this cost competition.
I see that men and women winners of the U.S. Open tennis tournament win the same amount, 1.9 million dollars, though women players play 3 sets while men play 5 sets, women work less than men. Equal pay for unequal work! What would Lilly Ledbetter say? I suspect she would approve.
If the tournament officials want to voluntarily pay this amount that's their business. My point is that if the government has the power to force equal pay for equal work it also has the power to force equal pay for unequal work. Soon our fascist government will decree that all students must be given the same grade!
What if a business owner has two employees doing the same job, but one employee is often late for work and is a trouble maker while the other employee is reliable and good for employee morale? Do you give them equal pay when they have the same job but one is less valuable than the other?
Back in the 30s and 40s when a public works project had to furlough some workers they would furlough the single men first and keep the married men with children. All that discretion has changed now with our fascist government telling businesses what to do.
Women are hypocrites when they claim to be equal to men. If they are equal, as they claim, they would not need the force of the federal government to determine their pay be equal to men. Their own abilities would determine their pay, even if they had to start their own companies and hire only women.
The reason men made more money in the past was because they supported women and children. Women today still determine how most money will be spent. Men will still spend money courting women. After the men marry women, the women will determine how most of the couple's earnings will be spent on shopping, vacations, housing, etc. Will this change in the future? Not as long as females have something mother nature gave them that men are willing to kill for.
Charles Tolleson