Universal Lawn Care
Now we have Universal Health Care, which is being challenged in the courts. I submit this will only increase the cost of health care because people will use the system more since many are not paying for the health care and others are forced to buy health insurance. If someone is paying for something I want then I will be glad to use that product or service.
Another reason health care costs will go up is because the supply of hospitals, doctors, and nurses will not keep up with the demand. That's because these organizations have licensing requirements that restricts competition.
Suppose the climate alarmists decided we needed more grassy and healthy lawns to save the planet from global warming. With this alarm the government would force everyone to pay a small amount for insurance for Universal Lawn Care. As a result each person with a lawn would call a lawn care provider and say I need lawn care. Why not? The insurance would pay the provider to care for the lawn. Since you are forced to buy the insurance then you might as well use it.
The demand for lawn care will increase and the large lawn care providers, like True Green, will lobby to make sure they are grandfathered in as they lobby for more rules and requirements that makes it harder to become a lawn care provider, thus restricting competition. And lawn care prices will increase dramatically as the propagandists continue to bloviate about how important the use of government force is in growing beautiful and healthy lawns.
Charles Tolleson