Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Afghan War

WASHINGTON – Progress in the Afghanistan war is occurring gradually, despite rising U.S. casualties, Army Gen. David Petraeus says in comments aimed at shoring up support among an increasingly skeptical American public. Associate Press

After nine years of the war racket that helps promote careers of the military nation's members, the promoters of war are saying we must have Patience! Patience? Patience after nine years of unnecessary war. These are the same words the war lovers used a few months after the U.S. invasion and martial law of another small country occurred. These are the same words the war lovers will use in another nine years, or a hundred years. They will still preach fear, saying there are terrorists, (people who hate us for killing their families) that must be dealt with to keep America free. Keep America free? They say this as they pass thousands and thousands of pages of rules and laws that make you less free.

Arguing for patience, Petraeus said that it was only in the last few weeks that the war plan had been fine-tuned and given the resources that it required. "For the first time," he said, "we will have what we have been working to put in place for the last year and a half." AP

After nine years of fighting General Petraeus said the war plan has been fine-tuned. The next general in charge will say something similar, and the general after him will say the same encouraging words, like con men, to keep the suckers back home funding the most socialist of government programs, the military. If the military did its primary function of defending the country most of the military personnel and military industrial civilians would not be needed. The military personnel would have to get a job that produces something, instead of killing people. Many of these military personnel would be on welfare or unemployment in the economy of 2010.

Charles Tolleson

The Military Pilot and the Civilian Pilot

Military pilots have to meet strict physical and mental requirements to qualify for and complete military flight training.

The government pays for this intense and excellent training. More than a million dollars are spent on training a military pilot. The government has a ceremony to praise the pilots when they complete their training. The pilot graduate is given a set of wings with his peers, loved ones, and families looking on. He is given a rank of an officer and is immediately treated with a salute an respect from all the enlisted personnel, even those who have been in the service for many years and who may have been in combat. Still the military pilot is elevated to an anointed status.

With this new status the new pilots gather in the Officer's Club and drink to their elevated status. They pat each other on the back to re enforce their self appreciation. The government is constantly reminding them of how important they are as "Defenders of Democracy". The civilian populace approves of their deeds and the warrior culture. Their government uniforms are designed to awe the taxpayer. The military is one of the most socialistic of government programs.

The civilian pilot has no such kind of life. The civilian pilot works a job and takes flying lessons on his time off, alone. He has to work and pay for his training. No government socialism for the civilian pilot. When the civilian pilot graduates he is handed a temporary certificate. His permanent certificate arrives in the mail. There are no graduation ceremonies. There are no peers to hang out with in the Officer's Club to remind him how great and important he is. There is no uniform. No civilian adulation.

In 2008 civilian pilots had the fourth highest occupation fatality rate. There is no government memorial for their loss.

Timon The Greek

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sheepdogs, Sheep and Wolves

On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs(From the book, On Combat, by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman)

By Charles Tolleson, October 18, 2010

Ret Lt. Col. Dave Grossman wrote a book, “On Combat”. I have not read the book. In the book he describes sheep, wolves and sheepdog behaviors.

Col Grossman has glorified the role he played for 23 years as a “sheepdog”. He retired after only 23 years on the job with a lucrative full pension.

As usual the sheepdogs cry for recognition and perks, at the same time they say they are the ones who are willing to sacrifice. When one makes a sacrifice they should keep quiet and stop begging and haranguing for emoluments and praise.

The metaphor of humans acting like sheep, wolves, and dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. Sheep are herbivores and dogs and wolves are carnivores.

Domestic sheep and the sheep dogs are owned by a master. The master fleeces the sheep and makes a living from the production of the sheep. From the profit of the fleece he buys dog food for the sheep dog.

Animals have always flocked together for protection. Fish swim in schools. This makes them more visible to predators but each individual in the group thinks the odds are that some one else in the group will be eaten.

Domesticated sheep cannot defend themselves from predators so the sheepdogs love domesticated sheep. It keeps the Sheepdogs employed and well fed. But wild sheep have survived and prospered, without paying sheepdogs. Wildebeest have also survived and prospered without paying for sheepdogs to protect them from lions. One big, tough animal that did not survive by being in herds was the buffalo. The buffalo herds were killed off by sheepdogs, or was that human wolves. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a human sheepdog and a human wolf.

I don’t think people become sheepdogs because they love their fellow man. There is no such thing as altruism. I think they become sheepdogs because they are sociopaths who love violence. There are many people who have violent genes. Some just put on a uniform and get paid to be violent. Others think they can get ahead by being violent out of uniform. But either way, both function and get high on force and aggression.

The evolution of animals requires that some be guardians while others are preoccupied with production. It has always been difficult for pregnant females or small children to protect themselves from predators. There was nothing else for the sheepdogs to do so the job of protection fell on them. Now they keep asking us to praise and genuflect before them. These sheepdogs also turn themselves into wolves.

At the end of a work day for a real sheep dog the master gives him some food and water, gives him a pat on the head, and says a few kind words and the real sheepdog is happy. A human sheep dog is never content. It requires parades, monuments, pay, and constant praise.

The human animal and its cousin the chimpanzee are the only animals that kill its own kind for pleasure.

Each culture has its rulers. They are the Chiefs, Priests, and Sheepdogs. These rulers have been successful by scaring the populace. Their tactic has always been to say sheepdogs do other cultures are wolves and need to be attacked.

The police will convince you that someone smoking a joint is a wolf and you need to pay the police enormous salaries and pensions to protect you from the person smoking a joint. It’s a nice piece of propaganda done by the police to make people believe the police actually protect people. With less than 3 police persons per thousand people it is difficult to see how anyone can believe three police persons can follow around 1000 people 24 hours per day and protect all thousand of them. The police show up after you have been assaulted! Yet they have the arrogance to tell you they are protecting you.

The human sheepdogs want the rest of society to behave like sheep. That gives the human sheepdogs the marketing material that sheepdog bravery is rare, when the opposite is true. Courage is a most common commodity in men. It is shown by many people who do not wear a uniform. It is shown a million times each night in bars across the country.

Edward Gibbon in The History and Decline of the Roman Empire said the Praetorian Guards, Sheepdogs, whose licentious fury was the first symptom and cause of the decline of the Roman Empire.

Yes, there are many humans with sheep like behavior. You can see these in the church congregations. Congregate, from Middle English meaning to flock together. They listen to their pastor. Pastor is from Latin. It means shepherd. Many people do need and want a shepherd, and a sheepdog.

Bible, Numbers, Chapter 31- Moses says to his Sheepdogs after defeating the Midianites,
17: Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18: But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

President Obama: End Tax Breaks for Overseas Hiring

"There is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday. "Instead, we should be using our tax dollars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders."

If the president is successful in bringing the jobs back to America and collecting more taxes he will then cry about the poor unemployed people in the other countries and will make a speech about how kind the U.S. is and he will give billions of our earnings to others countries and call if foreign aid.

Mr. President, if you want to bring manufacturing jobs back to America then give some tax breaks for creating jobs in America.

Better yet, why don't you do away with all the impediments to job creation in the U.S.? Why don't you eliminate the minimum wage? Why don't you do away with the Equal Employment Commission that makes it risky to hire a white male in the U.S.? Why don't you repeal the sexual harassment laws that creates an aristocratic group that can sue American businesses? And lastly, you should withdraw your support for the Paycheck Fairness Act that will increase the cost of doing business in the U.S.

Charles Tolleson

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Deregulate the Garbage Industry

By Charles Tolleson

During the 30 years before (1947-1977) the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 there were 117 labor strikes against U.S. airlines. During the 30 years after (1979-2009) airline deregulation there have been less than a third of the prior 30 years, about 35 labor strikes against U.S. airlines. This data shows that government regulating a market causes disruption and above market costs to the investors, employees, and most of all, the consumers.

When the government creates a contract with city employees to pick up garbage there is no competition to improve efficiency because the city will just pass along the cost to the consumer.

Nor does it matter if City, CA acts as a negotiator for the consumers and gives an exclusive right to a private company, like employee owned Recology, to pick up all the garbage in City, Ca.  City, Ca. receives a 5% finder’s fee and fees for street sweeping. Recology gets a 10% profit over costs during the ten year contract. If the owner employees of Recology want a good salary they do not have to strike nor do they have to compete and find more productive ways to improve their profit. They can just pay themselves a good salary, vacations, and pensions and just charge it to costs, like the fees to the city, all of which the consumer will be forced to pay. The absence of competition creates inefficiency.

Recology used to be Norcal Waste. They changed their name recently to Recology, (recycle and ecology). It was a brilliant marketing move. Everyone wants to use Recology just for their name.

I'm glad my city does not negotiate for my other vendors like; Internet service, telephone, clothing, and groceries, or package delivery. What if the government said I could only use FedEx for package delivery in My City and that I had to pay My City a fee for selecting FedEx to be my vendor?

Speaking of telephone service, the government used to negotiate for our telephone service when AT&T, affectionately known as Ma Bell, was the only telephone company. The government set the rates and the consumer paid for the staid monopoly service. The Communications Workers of America could get higher wages than the market would offer and then the consumer had no choice but to pay the wages. When Ma Bell was broken up in 1984 phone calls became cheaper, much cheaper.

I heard a retired nuclear engineer say he liked it better under Ma Bell because there was only one company to deal with. He said the choices today for telephone service are so numerous it is confusing and stressful. That is the opinion of many consumers. Choices become stressful so they are willing to let the government negotiate and pick a vendor for the consumer.

Intellectual discourse is the new coliseum.” Chuck Tolleson, Jr.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Government Employees Against Legalizing Marijuana

The largest contributors against California Proposition 19, the legalization of marijuana, is the California Police Chiefs Association. They have contributed $30,000.

The California Narcotics Association has contributed $20,000 dollars.  This is a private company that trains law enforcement to enforce narcotic law.

The Calif. Correctional Supervisors Organization, Inc. has contributed $7500.

The California Peace Officers Association has given $5000.

The California District Attorney Investigators' Association gave $1000.

Why are these government employee associations giving money to prevent the legalization of marijuana? Because if marijuana is legalized there will be less laws for the government mob to enforce.

If marijuana is legalized it will be more difficult for the government to force a plea bargain agreement for a petty possession of an ounce of marijuana.

If more laws were repealed we would need less government mobsters who make our lives miserable by enforcing laws against non violent acts while forcing us to pay them above market wages and benefits.

"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?" Willie Nelson

Charles Tolleson

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Why There are no Female Mozarts

October 2, 2010

I wondered, briefly, why of the past top 100 scientists there are only three females; Marie Curie, Lynn Margulis, and Gertrude Belle Elion.

Then I wondered, briefly, why there are no females in the past top 100 classical music composers. Where are the female Mozarts?

Why the absence of females in past arts and science may indicate the envy females have for males today. I believe women are very envious of the past accomplishments of men.

Envy is a deadly sin. If you cannot have what someone has then you are willing to destroy what that person has. The constant harangue today of how bad men are and how virtuous women are, and the constant harangue of how women were oppressed in the past, as if men in the past were free, is a symptom of this envy women have.

I believe the simply explanation for great scientists and artists of the past being males lies in the bell curve of intelligence. The male intelligence curve has geniuses on one end and morons on the opposite end. Female intelligence curve in not as flat as the male. Female intelligences is bunched together in the normal steep middle. Females have very few high intelligence but they also have very few low intelligence.

I think this can be explained by primitive evolution. If a female was of low intelligence her offspring would not have survived, nor would her genes.

If a normal female had a baby boy of low intelligence the mother would have practiced infanticide, as in most societies, but some mothers would have seen to the survival of a boy or girl with low intelligence. If the girl of low intelligence did produce children they would likely not have survived for long.

I suspect any high IQ female in primitive times would have often been pregnant and too busy with child rearing to create music and study science.  

In the 21st century the intelligence of the western countries is declining because females with high intelligence are having less babies.   Single women who are uneducated are having babies and the father is not around, thus the baby is deprived of a good mother and father to teach it many things.

Another reason most women did not have careers in the past was she was pregnant most of her adult life. She did not have time nor the desire to compose music or study the sciences. There were no careers in the past. There was only farming and war. A few skills could be traded at the local market, but there were no careers.

Compare that to the career choices women have today. She has the birth control pill, created by a male, that allows her freedom to choose a thousand bureaucratic and talking careers; public relations, communications, etc, that all allow the female to excel.

Technology, not laws, freed women. A small woman today can fly a jumbo jet because of the technology. A small woman today can plow a field with an 8 row air conditioned tractor. A few decades ago plowing was done with mules and horses plowing only one row.

Vladimir Horowitz, the late great classical pianist once was told by an admirer, "I would give my life to play like you." Horowitz replied, "I did"! The point is a man has to make something of himself through business, war, or other talents in order to find a mate. A woman does not have to spend her life learning a talent to attract a mate. All she has to do is smile demurely at a man and she is taken care of.

Women claim to have been oppressed in the past. They became liberated in the twentieth century.

Why did they wait so long? Did men free them? Why now and not 5,000 years ago? Why did women wait so long to ask for freedom? If they could demand it now why not demand it in the ancient past? Would it have mattered to women if the Civil Rights Act had been passed in 1865 instead of 1965? Would she have ridden for hours in a wagon with her children in all kinds of weather over dirt roads to vote?

Women had the evolutionary genes to produce and care for children. Without their maternal drives and contributions the human race would likely be extinct. They should be proud of their contributions. They should not listen or cooperate with the misandric man hating institutions that exist today.

In the future women will live more like men. There will be many females Mozarts in the future.

Charles Tolleson
October 2, 2010