On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs(From the book, On Combat, by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman)
By Charles Tolleson, October 18, 2010

Ret Lt. Col. Dave Grossman wrote a book, “On Combat”. I have not read the book. In the book he describes sheep, wolves and sheepdog behaviors.
Col Grossman has glorified the role he played for 23 years as a “sheepdog”. He retired after only 23 years on the job with a lucrative full pension.
As usual the sheepdogs cry for recognition and perks, at the same time they say they are the ones who are willing to sacrifice. When one makes a sacrifice they should keep quiet and stop begging and haranguing for emoluments and praise.
The metaphor of humans acting like sheep, wolves, and dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. Sheep are herbivores and dogs and wolves are carnivores.
Domestic sheep and the sheep dogs are owned by a master. The master fleeces the sheep and makes a living from the production of the sheep. From the profit of the fleece he buys dog food for the sheep dog.
Animals have always flocked together for protection. Fish swim in schools. This makes them more visible to predators but each individual in the group thinks the odds are that some one else in the group will be eaten.
Domesticated sheep cannot defend themselves from predators so the sheepdogs love domesticated sheep. It keeps the Sheepdogs employed and well fed. But wild sheep have survived and prospered, without paying sheepdogs. Wildebeest have also survived and prospered without paying for sheepdogs to protect them from lions. One big, tough animal that did not survive by being in herds was the buffalo. The buffalo herds were killed off by sheepdogs, or was that human wolves. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a human sheepdog and a human wolf.
I don’t think people become sheepdogs because they love their fellow man. There is no such thing as altruism. I think they become sheepdogs because they are sociopaths who love violence. There are many people who have violent genes. Some just put on a uniform and get paid to be violent. Others think they can get ahead by being violent out of uniform. But either way, both function and get high on force and aggression.
The evolution of animals requires that some be guardians while others are preoccupied with production. It has always been difficult for pregnant females or small children to protect themselves from predators. There was nothing else for the sheepdogs to do so the job of protection fell on them. Now they keep asking us to praise and genuflect before them. These sheepdogs also turn themselves into wolves.
At the end of a work day for a real sheep dog the master gives him some food and water, gives him a pat on the head, and says a few kind words and the real sheepdog is happy. A human sheep dog is never content. It requires parades, monuments, pay, and constant praise.
The human animal and its cousin the chimpanzee are the only animals that kill its own kind for pleasure.
Each culture has its rulers. They are the Chiefs, Priests, and Sheepdogs. These rulers have been successful by scaring the populace. Their tactic has always been to say sheepdogs do other cultures are wolves and need to
be attacked.
The police will convince you that someone smoking a joint is a wolf and you need to pay the police enormous salaries and pensions to protect you from the person smoking a joint. It’s a nice piece of propaganda done by the police to make people believe the police actually protect people. With less than 3 police persons per thousand people it is difficult to see how anyone can believe three police persons can follow around 1000 people 24 hours per day and protect all thousand of them. The police show up after you have been assaulted! Yet they have the arrogance to tell you they are protecting you.
The human sheepdogs want the rest of society to behave like sheep. That gives the human sheepdogs the marketing material that sheepdog bravery is rare, when the opposite is true. Courage is a most common commodity in men. It is shown by many people who do not wear a uniform. It is shown a million times each night in bars across the country.
Edward Gibbon in The History and Decline of the Roman Empire said the Praetorian Guards, Sheepdogs, whose licentious fury was the first symptom and cause of the decline of the Roman Empire.
Yes, there are many humans with sheep like behavior. You can see these in the church congregations. Congregate, from Middle English meaning to flock together. They listen to their pastor. Pastor is from Latin. It means shepherd. Many people do need and want a shepherd, and a sheepdog.
Bible, Numbers, Chapter 31- Moses says to his Sheepdogs after defeating the Midianites,
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.