Women, Divorce and Father's Day
My son told me about another male friend who was hit with a surprise body blow. His friend was sitting quietly when the wife and mother of his two small children told him she was not happy and wanted to move out.
My son said this conversation sounded like a replay of many conversations he had with other men.
It appears the wife, after filling in the box for marriage and kids, wants to move on. She is willing to destroy the family. Make the man move into a small apartment while paying alimony and child support. The man will have very low marketable skills to finding a new mate.
Why do women destroy families and lives with such insouciance?
I think women have too much power. She has the power given her by the State to take the children and collect child support and alimony. If the father does not pay she will get the State enforcers to collect. She has the power.
All relationships are about power. If the man had the power he would act the same way the woman acts. Her threats of leaving will make the man kowtow and try to be a good servant to keep his family. If the man had the power he would turn his wife into a good servant by threatening to take her kids and make her work to pay child support. The State does not protect all people equally. The State favors some over others with its power. And what power it has!
Power corrupts. I think many humans have a sadistic personality. They enjoy being cruel to other people. A sadistic spouse will take pleasure in watching the suffering of her spouse.
Wives who want to end the marriage will also try to get approval from her husband for a trial separation or some other experiment. He should say no. He should not approve because she can say he was part of the approval process.
He should say what he wants, and then tell her he does not own her. She can do as she wants, but the outcome is her choice.
When a husband who wants to keep the family together is threatened with divorce he will try to control the wife. He should be aware he cannot control another person. He can only control his attitude. His attitude and her actions are two different situations. His attempt to control the situation will only lead to frustration and failure, even violence. He should think about controlling his judgment, which is all he can control.
This divorce racket is important as it relates to the lambasting of fathers on Father's Day by President Obama who said, "Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father." I wonder if he would also say on Mother's Day, "Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a mother."
President Obama seems to have so much hate for his own father that he calls all fathers fools.
President Obama's chastised fathers once again, on Father's Day for not living up to their responsibility. Responsibility requires authority, which fathers do not have. The State and feminists are paranoid that men will abuse their authority.
Compare the President's Mother's Day speech , (and any other politician's) to that of his Father's Day speech. His Mother's Day speech is filled with praise for mothers, even those mothers who refuse to let their children's dad have a say in raising the kids. His Father's Day speech is a lecture about fathers' responsibilities.
Charles Tolleson