Selective Service System
My Lai, Vietnam

As I watched another Memorial Day orgiastic celebration of the dead soldiers who sacrificed their lives for The State, I thought of the Selective Service System that picked most of these men for the rites of human sacrifice.
During World War II 73% of all personnel were drafted. The draft percentage of the Army was 90%! These men were shamed or forced to die, and kill, for The State.
The selection process reminds me that we seem to still practice primitive human sacrifices. The ritual may be different but the desire to offer humans as sacrificial victims to the State God is still practiced.
The Selective Service System will select those men who are least valuable to The State for human sacrifice. The Selective Service System never selects a female. The State needs the female wombs to produce more babies to help The State grow. No one in The State wants to see their state decrease in size.
I can see the men on the Selective Service boards feeling their odds increase at finding a female mate each time they select a male for human sacrifice. The fewer males in a society the greater number of females available for the remaining males. Better to sacrifice some males to eliminate the competition instead of having to kill them yourself.
The panegyrics we offer on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, calling those selected heroes, even though some were running away when torn to shreds by incoming artillery, are lures for more young men who want glory or martyrdom and will sign up to go into another country and kill some other young man for The State.
There are 22 American military cemeteries on foreign soil. These cemeteries are the footprints of an empire built on plunder, violence and aggression.
Imagine, if instead of lauding the dead on Memorial Day and the veterans on Veterans Day, that we instead demeaned and ridiculed them. If we did that there would be very few volunteers for The State to carry out unnecessary wars and plunder started by old men with sadistic egos.
We made dueling between individuals illegal. It is time we made war between states illegal. Conflicts between states could be settled in an international civil court or criminal court.
It was alleged that one State ship provoked a ship of another State in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964. As a result, millions died. Would it not have been better to solve the dispute in an international court?
Charles Tolleson
The maximum penalty for failing to register with Selective Service is a $250,000 fine and up to five years in prison. Failure to register will cause ineligibility for a number of federal and state benefits including:
A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service. This applies only to men born after December 31, 1959.
Men who are not registered with Selective Service cannot obtain Federal student loans or grants. This includes Pell Grants, College Work Study, Guaranteed Student/Plus Loans, and National Direct Student Loans.
The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) makes registration with Selective Service a condition for U.S. citizenship, if the man first arrived in the U.S. before his 26th birthday and was required to register.
The Workforce Investment Act (formerly JTPA) offers important job-training opportunities. This program is only open to those men who register with Selective Service.
Most states have added additional penalties for those who fail to register with Selective Service.
As of May 16, 2002, 19 states, 2 territories, and the District of Columbia have enacted driver's license laws supporting Selective Service registration. They are Oklahoma, Delaware, Arkansas, Utah, Georgia, Hawaii, Alabama, Florida, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Illinois, Ohio, South Dakota, Mississippi, Idaho, Virginia, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands.