It is wise for families who disagree on politics and religion to abstain from any discussions on those subjects. For that matter, it would be a less angry society if no one discussed these issues with anyone except their elected representatives.
I have tried to follow my own advice when it comes to my grandson's plan to join the military and attempt to become a Navy SEAL.
He did ask my opinion, a veteran, and I tried, in a mild way, to talk him out of joining the military. His uncle, also a veteran, tried to talk him out of joining the military.
When a young man joins the military, many things can happen. Some are neutral, some are good, and some are bad. More bad than good happens, which is why most people get out of the military when they can and why only about 10% of the young male population joins the military. The bad things that happen are very bad.
My grandson did not complete college. He is a good worker and family member. He works out with weights and is into physical strengths. I think he sees his value in his physique. The Navy SEALs will be a test and validation of his worth.
He fails to realize that once he joins the military he will no longer be a free man who can make choices. He will belong to the military. He will be like a slave taking orders, orders he cannot refuse.
Even after he is discharged from the military, he will still be eligible to be called back into the service as per his contract. This is a hidden draft the military and media do not talk about.
I know why young men fight. Still, I ask myself why any grandson would want to go into a foreign country and kill someone else's grandson. (KABUL (Reuters) April 10,2009- The U.S.military has conceded that troops under its command in Afghanistan killed a group of civilians in an operation this week, not militants as earlier reported.)
It happens to many young men who are intrigued with war and death. It has happened throughout human history. Some men join to fight for parades, martyrdom and glory. Some simply have a pathological need to kill another human. Others are shamed into joining.
During World War II 90% of the army personnel were drafted! The draft rate for all services in WW II was 62%. Yet Tom Brokaw calls them the greatest generation.
When I joined the military as a young man I thought war, war I had only experienced through heroic and patriotic movies, would be exciting, glorious, and I would come home with respect from my community, and, I would have a better chance of finding a mate to carry on my genes. This desire to eliminate other men from the competition for mating is the primary reason for war. Many other excuses are given, but the real reason for war is the ability for the victors to mate and spread their genes.
Primitive tribes had no weapons that could kill masses. A wound here and there and the war would end. If men were needed for defense and hunting the tribe would accept non lethal ways for men to settle their differences.
In 1793 William Godwin wrote a
chapter on war. Had Godwin seen the past 216 years of humanity at war he would not be surprised.
If Baboons could fire machine guns and own property they would raise armies and kill masses of other baboons.
When primitive tribes became too large they would splinter into other groups and move away to some vacant land. Today there is no vacant land. Groups are becoming more compressed and this compression causes stress. As these groups become nations, they use war for plunder.
If there was only one country, one race, and one religion in the world, men would still try to kill each other. A thousand years from now, after humans have been bio engineered, the future biobots will be puzzled at how we could kill our own kind by the millions.
Men are expendable, if there are too many. During the American War Between the States 2% of the population, 600,000 were killed. These were mostly men. If you killed that ratio of American men today that would be over 12 million men. The society's birthrate would not diminish. If a society is over populated the birthrate will decline. If it is under populated the birthrate will rise.
Because of China's one child policy they now have 32 million more boys than girls. When these boys become men they will compete for a scarcity of girls.
Girls' value will increase. This will cause stress on men. Chinese men will resort to gang violence. They will have an external war or an internal war. If the reverse were true, more women than men in China, China would have peace and tranquility.
People are willing to die for their beliefs. Unfortunately they are willing to kill other innocent people who do not share their beliefs.
During war the young warriors see the unnecessary horrors and sufferings of war. They start to realize their country is not so virtuous after all. They realize millions die over honor (egos).
Fred Reed, a wounded Vietnam Marine veteran, wrote this
column . Somehow women do not have a need to kill to prove their honor. Men do. Men cannot solve their differences with a game of marbles. They have to display their bravery in order to preserve their honor.
To the young men of America, who would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America? Civilians in America have 200 million guns. How would an invading force deal with that?
America is protected by two major oceans and two friendly neighbors. How would a foreign nation transport 50 million soldiers to invade America. We would annihilate them before they reached our soil.
To the young men of America. If a foreign invader reaches our soil, I'll man the ramparts by your side.
To the young men of America. No foreign invader will take away your freedoms. Your freedoms are taken from you by your own government, one election at a time.
"War is the health of the State". Randolph Bourne
Charles Tolleson