Poland and the United States struck a deal that will see a missile defense battery in the ex-communist state and deepen military ties, a plan that has infuriated Moscow and sparked fears in Europe of a new arms race.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk-He said the deal also includes a "mutual commitment" between the two nations to come to each other's assistance "in case of trouble."-
Another entanglement! The US just cannot help her/his self. He/She is like so many people who want to meddle in my life, telling me what to do and worrying about me as if they are my parents and I am their child.
These meddlers worried about me before I was conceived. They worried about me after my birth. The Jesus meddlers will worry about me after I am dead! Get your own life! Leave my life alone. If I was in trouble I would ask for your help. I have the right to ask, but I do not have the right to force you to help me. You may ask for my help. You may suggest how I should behave. You do not have the right to use force to run my life. You may like order in your life, but that does not mean you can force me to follow your rules of order. I love order as much as you. I just don't feel that I must control you in order to control myself.
Now the two bullies, Russia and the US, are going to put on a really big 'shew', as the late Ed Sullivan used to say. Bush and Putin thump their chests like two African gorillas, not civilized men. They cannot help using force on others. Russia and the US, and other governments, act like patronizing parents to grown children. They want to use force to run my life, and the lives of the Russians infected with tribal self adoration. They are arguing over who should control Georgia.
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili is another megalomaniac who loves the ultimate blood sport, war.
Why would the US risk so much to protect Poland, or Georgia? What does Poland have that is worth the lives of Americans? What does Poland have that is worth the risk premiums the US will pay? Why does the US risk so much to protect Israel? What is the benefit to the US for the risk premium the US must pay for protecting Israel?
I have advocated that anyone should be free to declare their independence. Georgia should be allowed to declare her independence from Russia. If
Abkhazia and
South Ossetia want to declare their independence from Georgia they should be allowed. If they want Wal-Mart to provide them government services that should be their choice. That does not give them free protection from the US, or anyone else. They must pay the insurance premium. The protector should not pay the premium.
Maybe all the provocative talk between Russia and the US is just another way to sell the Patriot Missile. Maybe it's not about testosterone. Thank goodness I own Stock in Raytheon, the producer of the Patriot Missiles.
I bought some defense stocks, Raytheon is one, in my old age, because I finally realized human nature is not going to change. "War is the health of the state." Bourne
It may be the simply truth that war is biologically inevitable between men. We have always plundered and killed each other to get the women. We disguise this primitive behavior by wrapping ourselves in a flag and uttering words humans invented to make us feel better about ourselves. Words like; duty, honor, and country. But, war is still primitive animal behavior.
Our primitive behavior starts when we are one of millions of spermatozoa. As sperm we fight each other for the right to get to one egg. This is long before we know about duty, honor and country.
An article by R. Baumeister, Eppes Eminent Professor of Psychology & Head of Social Psychology Area, Florida State University (My Alma Mater) is titled What's Good About Men?
http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~baumeistertice/goodaboutmen.htm Baumeister writes,
"using DNA analysis about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men. I think this difference is the single most under appreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced."
Baumeister says the reason men do not reproduce as often as women is because they die younger in wars and because they take dangerous risks to get women.
After World War II the US conquerors pegged the Japanese Yen at a low rate, until 1971, when it was allowed to float. This allowed the American occupiers to buy the Japanese goods at bargain prices. The GIs stationed in the defeated countries; Japan and Germany, could buy the women with a strong dollar. This currency sophistication disguised the primitive way of plundering and capturing the women of various tribes. It made the conquers appear kind and sympathetic, to themselves.
Andrew Bacevich, author of "The Limits of Power", described another subtle way in which we plunder. -
("Our foreign policy is something that is concocted in Washington, DC, but it reflects the perceptions of our political elite about what we the people want. And what we want, by and large is ... this continuing flow of very cheap consumer goods. We want to be able to pump gas into our cars regardless of how big they may happen to be. And we want to be able to do these things without having to think about whether or not the books are balanced at the end of the month, or the end of the fiscal year."
"One of the ways we avoid confronting our refusal to balance the books is to rely increasingly on the projection of American military power around the world to try to maintain this dysfunctional system or set of arrangements that have evolved over the last 30 or 40 years.")
If the US and Russia wanted peace the US should sell the Patriot Missile System to Russia. After all, it is for defense only. With Russia and the US both protected from a sudden missile attack there would be no reason to spend billions annually on offensive weapons.
Another way to provide peace between the two countries, and others, is to have cross dual citizenship and allow Russians and Americans who have dual citizenship to vote in both countries' elections. Russia has about half the population of the US, so dual citizenship should be granted on a proportional basis, two Russians for one American.
Dual citizenship and dual voting rights would allow travel, commerce, and the exchange of mutual interests. Individuals would see that war is unnecessary. It would depower the state, who gets its power from war. Therefore, don't look to your chest thumpers for peace.
Charles Tolleson