Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Definition of Terrorism

The most civilized people are as near to barbarism as the most polished steel is to rust. Nations, like metals, have only a superficial brilliancy. -Antoine de Rivarol, epigrammatist (1753-1801)

ter·ror·ism- n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

terrorism- 1795, in specific sense of "government intimidation during the Reign of Terror in France" (1793-July 1794), from Fr. terrorisme (1798), from L. terror (see terror).

By its definition, the war against "terrorism" will be a war with no end, because anyone can and may use terrorism to intimidate or coerce someone else. Most governments use terrorism at one time or another on their own citizens.

Certainly our government actions towards other foreign governments, sending billions of dollars in aid to a country like Pakistan for instance, a country that harbors enemies of the United States, should be considered terrorism.

The governments define what is lawful and what is unlawful. It is "legal" for the government to aid a country like Pakistan. It is "legal" for the government to confiscate your money, and listen to your phone conversations.

I see the war against terrorism as the same war against; domestic violence, prostitution, murder, and drugs. There will never be a victory in any of those wars, and the government likes that. The war will always give them a purpose.
War is the health of the State. Randolph Bourne.

The word terrorism came into use during the French Revolution. Had it been in use during our "revolution", King George probably would have used it to describe the colonial freedom fighters. Instead the most repugnant word his ministers could use at the time was, "Rebel".

Charles Tolleson, Rebel

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Universal Soldier

IBD Editorials

Thank You

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Friday, November 09, 2007

IBD wrote, "Veterans Day: From Valley Forge to Gettysburg, from Pointe du Hoc to the Pusan Perimeter, and from Khe Sanh to Fallujah, we salute and give thanks to those who gave their last full measure of devotion."

What are you thanking the soldiers for? For trying to bring freedoms to Iraqis? For making more enemies for America? Are you thanking them for enabling an unnecessary war that is costing you and your children so much future debt it is devaluing the dollar and reducing your standard of living? You are an investor media. You should understand this.

IBD also wrote,"Less than a century later, this nation would be involved in a great Civil War in which more Americans would die in a single day than in four years of combat in Iraq."

So now we are deciding if a war is necessary or not in relation to causalities of previous unnecessary wars.

IBD wrote, "If casualties and uncertain prospects for success are the benchmark for giving up the struggle for democracy and freedom, Lincoln might have given up after Antietam."

So what if Lincoln had quit and not killed another half million? Do you think slaves would still be picking cotton in the south?

IBD wrote, "Washington might have given up after Valley Forge. But America does not give up, does not cut and run, and neither does its military."

Washington was fighting for independence. That which Lincoln would not grant the south. No matter how unjust the fight, we must never give up? Just keep on killing, even if the war is unnecessary. No matter how much it costs in debt to future generations, the current generation must save face?

IBD wrote, "Fortunately, we had a secret weapon - the American soldier."

The American soldier is not a secret weapon. Most countries have soldiers. Myanmar has soldiers. Pakistan has soldiers. Stalin had soldiers. Soldiers take orders! Read the appended lyrics below, Universal Soldier, by Buffy St Marie, written before 1965, long before Vietnam became a hot issue.

IBD wrote, "There would be more sacrifices. The month-long assault on Iwo Jima resulted in more than 28,000 American casualties, including 6,821 dead. Casualties at Okinawa totaled more than 38,000 Americans wounded and 12,000 killed or missing."

The battle of Iwo Jima was in March 1945. Okinawa was June 1945. All those causalities could have been avoided, and the A-bomb causalities, with better negotiations with a defeated and dying enemy. We did not just want a victory, we wanted revenge. Our lust for blood had to be satisfied.

IBD wrote, "But that does not diminish the valor and the sacrifice of the brave soldiers who held out against great odds at places like Pusan in Korea and Khe Sanh in Vietnam."

Neither Pusan or Khe Sanh were necessary. What is worse than war is old men who start unnecessary wars and offer young men as human sacrifice to the war gods.

IBD wrote, "The nature of the war that began on 9/11 is different, but the goal of the enemy is the same. It wants to wipe freedom from the face of the Earth."

The goal of the enemy is the same, but it is not to wipe freedom from the face of the earth. The goal is the same as all wars, power to those who start the wars. War is the health of the state.

IBD wrote, "But those who embrace fanatical and nihilistic ideologies, from Nazism to Islamofascism, are up against an enemy they can never understand or defeat - the American soldier."

That's probably true. I cannot understand the American soldier who will go into another country and kill innocent women and children.

IBD wrote, "As columnist Michael Reagan has said, when you're in a war zone and you're killed, you're a hero. In our book as well."

Anybody whose is on your side is a hero. You've dumbed down the meaning of hero. Telling everyone they are a hero is propaganda to get re enlistments and new recruits.

Wrote Cpl Starr: "I don't regret going, everybody dies, but few get to do it for something as important as freedom."

I'm sorry to say Starr did not die for freedom. Iraq did not attack the United States, nor could they, and take away our freedoms. All the millions of pages in the federal register are laws that our own representatives put on the books that tell us what we can, cannot, and must do. No Arab, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese has taken away those freedoms. We have taken them away from ourselves. Starr died for nothing.

Charles Tolleson

Buffy Sainte-Marie© Caleb Music-ASCAP
I wrote "Universal Soldier" in the basement of The Purple Onion coffee house in Toronto in the early sixties. It's about individual responsibility for war and how the old feudal thinking kills us all. Donovan had a hit with it in 1965.

He's five feet two and he's six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He's all of 31 and he's only 17
He's been a soldier for a thousand years
He's a Catholic, a Hindu, an atheist, a Jain,
a Buddhist and a Baptist and a Jew
and he knows he shouldn't kill
and he knows he always will
kill you for me my friend and me for you
And he's fighting for Canada,
he's fighting for France,
he's fighting for the USA,
and he's fighting for the Russians
and he's fighting for Japan,
and he thinks we'll put an end to war this way
And he's fighting for Democracy
and fighting for the Reds
He says it's for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide
who's to live and who's to die
and he never sees the writing on the walls
But without him how would Hitler
have condemned him at Dachau
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He's the one who gives his body as a weapon to a war
and without him all this killing can't go on
He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame
His orders come from far away no more
They come from him, and you, and me
and brothers can't you see
this is not the way we put an end to war.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Domestic Abuse Law is Stalinism, by Ray Blumhorst Domestic Abuse Law is Stalinism

11/06/2007 by: Ray Blumhorst

The Encarta World English Dictionary defines Stalinism as: "principles and policies of Stalin: the political principles and economic policies developed by Joseph Stalin from Marxist-Leninist thought, which included centralized autocratic rule and total suppression of dissent."

Webster's New College Dictionary defines Stalinism as: "The bureaucratic and authoritarian exercise of state power and mechanistic application of Marxist-Leninist principles characteristic of the period of the leadership of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union."

Wikipedia adds this:

"Stalinism has been described as being synonymous with totalitarianism, or a tyrannical regime. The term has been used to describe regimes that fight political dissent through violence, imprisonment, and killings."

Today as I was protesting in front of the Van Nuys, California courthouse, I had the opportunity to look up something in Dr. Stephen Baskerville's new book, Taken Into Custody that discussed the working of "integrated domestic violence courts" in America. The description brought visions of Joseph Stalin's methodologies to mind, wherein truth was irrelevant, wherein guilt or innocence was irrelevant, wherein only the confession of the accused was significant (along with Stalinist re-education training - or worse).

On Pp. 189 of Dr. Baskerville's book, we read the following:
"Sending people to prison apparently is now a virtue itself. In San Diego, two lawyers report with glee that suspending due process protections 'obtains convictions in about 88 percent of its cases.'623 New York City reports conviction rates comparable to those of the Soviet Union, over 90 percent 'even before the specialized domestic violence courts were established.' Convictions are supposed to be based on an impartial weighing of evidence in each individual case. Nowhere else in the law do we regard convicting people of crimes - thousands of people of whose guilt or innocence we can have no first hand knowledge - as a virtue for its own sake."

At the Government Center in Van Nuys, California, as in domestic violence court gulags across America, the harsh tactics of Joseph Stalin are employed daily to further the political agenda, the political ideology, of America's gender feminists. As long as the terrifying and tyrannical tactics of gender feminist ideologues violate the constitutionally protected due process and equal protection of innocent men (political prisoners), trapped in America's domestic violence witch-hunt, the evil legacy of Joseph Stalin will live on through the workings of America's evil domestic violence laws.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Worshipping Soldiers

"A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master." George Washington

On October 15 I wrote about a teacher who taught students to praise soldiers.

Today I received on a yahoo group other messages asking for us to support our troops.

The Group Moderator wrote- D N forwarded a request to acknowledge our thanks to wounded vets by mailing letters to Walter Reed Army Hospital,by addressing them to a Recovering American soldier.

BUT... the Walter Reed Hospital website ( says such mail will not be delivered.

Instead, the website urges you to:

...consider making a donation to one of the more than 300 nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families listed on the "America Supports You" website:

Other organizations that offer means of showing your support for our troops or assisting wounded service members and their families include:
Three hundred organizations to support our troops! I checked one out and who the sponsors were. One of the sponsors was a networking company.

I suspect many of these companies are in the war racket and need Pentagon contracts. Keeping up the moral of the troops is helpful if you want a pentagon contract.

People who worship soldiers should realize soldiers only follow orders. Soldiers throughout history have turned on their own citizenry. Soldiers under Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and recently Myanmar and Pakistani, were just following orders and arresting those who dissent. Even young Japanese men volunteered to fight for the U.S. during World War Two as their parents were sent to internment camps.

You don't think it could happen here! When I was a young soldier following orders and had been asked to arrest my family I would have said no. Had I been asked to arrest a family I did not know, I would have followed orders.

The members of an all volunteer army are looking out for their best interest. They are mercenaries. If the army was made up of draftees it would be different, though still dangerous. Force is good if it is used to protect me, but evil when it is turned on me in order to do good. All soldiers following orders and using their force believe they are doing good.

Soldiers and civilians do what is in their best interest. Using force to do good will justify any action. Power does not corrupt our souls, it unleashes the corruption that already existed. If you don't believe you would follow orders you should study the Stanley Milgram experiment on obedience. I saw the old black and white films. It is frightening to know that your friends and neighbors who you admire and trust could turn on you.

We should worship the commercial fishermen who put food on our table. They volunteer to do this and have one of the highest occupation fatality rates of any occupation. Another group we should worship are construction workers who provide us shelter. They also have a high occupation fatality rate. Another group who volunteers to provide us with a healthy place to live is the garbage collectors. How about the plumbers and sewer workers? These are the people we should worship.

When the British army was fighting - and beating - the French, the Duke of Wellington described his troops as "the scum of the earth, and men who have enlisted for drink".

The Duke of Wellington is one of my favorite generals. He never lost a battle, even using the scum and drunks as soldiers.

Charles Tolleson

Lyrics, "Universal Soldier", written by Buffy St Marie

he's 5'2 and he's 6'4,he fights with missiles and with spears.
he's all of 31 and he's only 17,
he's been a soldier for a thousand years.
he's a catholic, a hindu, an athiest, a jain,
a buddhist and a baptist and a jew
and he knows he shouldnt kill
and he knows he always will kill
you for me, my friend and me, for you
and he's fighting for canada,
he's fighting for france,
he's fighting for the USA
and he's fighting for the russians
and he's fighting for japan,
and he thinks we'll put an end to war this way.
and he's fighting for democracy
and fighting for the reds,
he says it's for the peace of all.
he's the one who must decide
who's to live and who's to die,
and he never sees the writing on the wall.
But without him, how would Hitler
Have condemned him, at Dachau?
Without him Cesar would have stood alone,
He's the one, who gives his body
As a weapon of the war,
And without him always killing cant go on.
he's the universal soldier and he really is to blame,
his orders come from far away no more.
they come from him
and you and me and brothers, cant you see?
this is not the way we put an end to war