Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Utopian Experiments

Man tends always to satisfy his needs and desires with the least possible exertion. Albert J Nock

Throughout history people have experimented with attempts to create Utopia. All of these experiments have failed for the simple reason people try to get more from the group than they put in.

The Pilgrims experimented with socialism and it failed. They were only able to feed themselves after they adopted a policy of private property rights.

Still people try for Utopia. The latest is a an attempt at a semi utopia, the Cohousing plan. Cohousing is private homes, 20 to 40, of like minded people, as were past socialist groups, with community property and a community dining room. Individuals live there and work elsewhere in the free enterprise system. Each member is supposed to contribute to the maintenance of the common grounds and help with the occasionally community dining. These quasi socialist communities may have moderate success because they do not live of the produce of others. Each is required to pay for their own house and living expenses. However, some will not contribute as much as others in their maintenance of the common ground. Like all people, we all hope to benefit from belonging to a group. Our self love, the greatest love, leads us to live a life in an attempt to get the greatest pleasure from life while avoiding the greatest pain.

Utopia is by definition an imaginary place. It does not exist, except in the mind. The most imaginary Utopian place is Heaven. Muslim suicide bombers expect to have 72 virgins when they arrive in Utopian Heaven. They never ask where all the virgins will come from.

Christians have a strong desire to go to Heaven after death. This is the ultimate desire for Utopia. They think Heaven will have no rules and everything will be provided for them. They never ask if they will have freedom of speech or the right to vote. They simple assume their dictator, God, will be a benevolent dictator.

Bilbo Baggins


Blogger Ron Southern said...

Why wouldn't I be?

signed, God.

1:14 PM  

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