Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


"One strand of a woman's hair can draw more than a hundred pair of oxen." James Howell, 1599-1666

Is it moral to punish someone who travels a thousand miles, some though a hot desert, to find a job? Or should this person be rewarded? Yet we punish the person who makes the long journey to better himself and family, and reward the person who will not travel a few miles on a city bus to take the same job the long distance traveler will take. Anyway, in a few generations the Mexican worker will not want to get out of bed and take any nearby job either. That's what happens when you reward the non producers by taxing the producers. The welfare society destroys the incentive to produce.

My son just had a house built. He had all kinds of small problems with quality and customer service from, white native American males. As soon as he moved into the house he contracted to have the yard landscaped. He assumed the contractor hired illegal Mexicans because they were so polite, responsive and hard workers. He could not believe the difference. He is a small business owner. He said if green Martians came here looking for work and they could work better than the illegal Mexicans, the Martians would "take jobs away" from the Mexicans.

Our homeowner association hires a landscape company to take care of the common area. I'm sure the workers are illegal because they never rest. They are polite and work like bees. When I walk my dog in the city parks I see the city employees maintaining the parks. They work about as fast as a Sloth. The city employees have better pay and benefits and can retire young because they have a union, and a monopoly. If there was a true free market, some of the illegal workers would get higher pay and the government workers would get lower pay. The free market is just and fair. It does not discriminate.

I get better work and cheaper work from the people that maintain our common area. Still I have indirect costs that requires me to provide for their schools and hospital care.

I wonder what kind of service United Airlines would provide if they could hire illegal senoritas as FAs:-)

John Galt


Blogger Ron Southern said...

Interesting signature!

2:30 PM  
Blogger Charles Tolleson said...


I spelled the signature rong :-) It should have been John Galt, not Gault. Usually I sign with the pseudnym, Bilbo Baggins.

5:03 AM  

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