Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Wed Oct 18, 2:28 AM ET
SYDNEY (AFP) - An obesity epidemic affecting almost 16 percent of Australians cost the country a staggering 21 billion dollars (15.8 billion US dollars) last year, double what it spends on health, new figures show.

If all the people in the world were of one race and religion and one government, there probably would still be wars, or individual and gang conflicts between young men. Young men are always competing for a mate, like Baboons.

If there was peace throughout the world and people could live in harmony, the above story about obesity indicates the human condition wants pleasure.

According to the World Health Organization, "In general, obesity rates start to climb towards epidemic levels in developing nations as the sedentary lifestyles and rich diets -- laden with sugar, fats and salt -- common in many Western countries take hold, noted experts and the 10th International Congress on Obesity, held in Sydney in September. The exploding rates of obesity contribute heavily to increased rates of many chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes, hyper-tension, arteriosclerosis, cerebral hemorrhaging, and certain kinds of cancer.
Type-2 diabetes was once a disease that only affected adults, most often advanced in age, but today it has become common even among obese pre-adolescent children. Ninety percent of those afflicted with type-2 diabetes are either overweight or obese."

Pleasure comes in many forms but the act of over eating is one of the most hedonistic and destructive forms of pleasure. If there was peace and prosperity on earth, humans would simply kill themselves by gluttony.
Gluttony, excess in eating or drinking, is one of the seven deadly sins.

Obesity is caused by pleasure seeking choices. The result is diabetes, heart problems, and other diseases. People who are obese and a burden on society still demand a "right" to health care. They want their pleasure of gluttonous eating. They know the risk, but they are willing to take the risk. When they lose the bet and become ill, they expect someone else to pay for their health care.

Bilbo Baggins


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