Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


"The mass-man does in fact believe that he is the State, and he will tend more and more to set its machinery working, on whatsoever pretext, to crush beneath it any creative minority which disturbs it - disturbs it in any order of things; in politics, in ideas, in industry." Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses, ch. XIII, 1930

The socialist commissars are planning another project to make them our master controllers. Some people are closet tyrants and are obsessed with controlling actions of others.

When I hear the socialist controllers say they want to teach the children to be good "stewards" of the land, I know they are talking about controlling all land, even privately owned land, land the children do not own. The social controllers are planting the seeds in the minds of the children that they have an obligation to control the land other's own.

Most of the project below will be paid by taxpayers, to brainwash the children. It is fascinating to see the cattle in the feed yard chewing their cud, well fed, enjoying the safety of the feeder, before being led to slaughter.

Bilbo Baggins

GRINNELL, Iowa - Central Iowa has been chosen as the site for a massive indoor rain forest and environmental learning center that organizers hope will be as successful as its predecessor in the United Kingdom.
"This is going to be one of the world's greatest classrooms and through that classroom, our citizens and particularly our young people can learn stewardship," said David Roe, president of Central College in Pella. "It could very well be the salvation of this planet that we all call home."

In addition to Earthpark's local funding, which will come primarily from a hotel-motel tax in Marion County, the Department of Energy has promised a $50 million grant, and the state is expected to allocate $15 to $20 million.


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