Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

School Shootings

"The mass-man does in fact believe that he is the State, and he will tend more and more to set its machinery working, on whatsoever pretext, to crush beneath it any creative minority which disturbs it - disturbs it in any order of things; in politics, in ideas, in industry." Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses, ch. XIII, 1930

After a rash of school shootings across the U. S. there is a hue and cry for the "State" to do something. President Bush has called for a "summit" on school shootings, as if local crimes are the responsibility of the Federal Government! There is fear of rampant shootings in the government schools, the place where boys are demeaned daily by the teachers, who are 85% female, who have been themselves brainwashed by government institutions of Colleges of Education, with their government grants. With millions of young students stressed out from peer pressure, hormonal changes, divorced parents who should not be parents, it is a wonder there are not more school shootings. As individuals loose their morals, so does the collective society. The lose of individual morals is due to one thing, immoral leadership of the group. An example of immoral leadership is former Congressman Duke Cunningham.

Is school violent rampant? Bill Dedman, MSNBC, wrote; "It may seem so, with media attention focused on a spate of school shootings. In fact, school shootings are extremely rare. Even including the more common violence that is gang-related or dispute-related, only 12 to 20 homicides a year occur in the 100,000 schools in the U.S. In general, school assaults and other violence have dropped by nearly half in the past decade."

Instead of disarming everyone we should arm a few of the teachers and administrators who want to take firearms training, the same training law enforcement officers take. These teachers and administrators would not have to wait for a swat team to arrive to stop the shootings. The swat teams usually arrive after the shootings anyway.

Many psychopaths and deranged school shooters have plenty of grudges against the police. Why is it you never hear of someone who is determined to kill, go into a police station and start shooting the police?

Bilbo Baggins


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