Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Plight of the Uninsured

Man tends always to satisfy his needs and desires with the least possible exertion. Albert J Nock

CNN did a segment on The Plight of the Uninsured on October 16, 2006. The middle class couple, Lyla Barr and Emmet Barr were both chefs. They had canceled their insurance years earlier and when Lyla gave birth to a baby, they had no insurance.

The Barrs lived well but they made a choice to not buy health insurance. When Lyla became pregnant they even applied for public assistance, expecting someone else to pay for their medical procedures, but they were too wealthy for assistance. Wealthy enough to pay for their own medical care, they tried to get others to pay.

Mr. Barr said it is a shame a nation this wealthy does not provide insurance for all. Who does he think should pay for his insurance? His neighbors? His clients? His siblings? Does Mr. Barr want the State to force him to buy insurance? Mr. Barr is like millions in the group who hope to get more from the group than his is putting in. This group behavior is what Alex de Toqueville referred to as "soft despotism".

Why did the Barrs not decide to have their baby at home, like humans have done for thousands of years? They could have a midwife come in and assist for a few hundred dollars. This would lower the cost of health care. But, the State prevents this kind of medicine. It is because of the State that health care cost go up. The State, with the lobbying efforts of the hospitals, insurance companies, and doctors, prevent competition, which would lower the cost of any service. Besides, the Barrs, like most people, wanted the best medical care money can buy, even if they had to take out a second mortgage on their home. The Barrs were young and decided the risk reward ratio did not justify the expense of health insurance. The lost their bet, presently, but if they do not buy any insurance for the rest of their lives they may come out ahead.

I can imagine the Barrs giving up many discretionary items; wine, travel, and ornaments, in order to buy health insurance. Many Americans will choose to buy beer, cigarettes, lotto tickets, amusement park tickets, etc., instead of buying health insurance. It is a matter of choice. People are being trained that they are not responsible for their choices. This training will destroy a society. The Barrs, white, middle class, yuppies, are playing the victim card. It is the current policy, playing the victim, for not taking responsibility for your choices.

Each generation of a collective is blindly taught that the best way to go through life is to take from others.

Bilbo Baggins


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