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Monday, October 23, 2006

How to Fight Radical Islam

By Charles Tolleson

Where liberty is lost, life grows precarious, always miserable, often intolerable. John Trenchard & Thomas Gordon, Cato's Letters

There are three ways humans interact with each other. They are; love/charity, trade, or force. Which will be the best option for fighting the dogma of radical Islam, or any other dogma?

The Christian Bible has many verses that advocate violence. Why have these bible verses been debilitated more than the violence advocated in the Koran?

The Bible verses lost their strength when western philosophers started writing about individual rights, due process, habeas corpus, and liberty. These rights included property rights. These rights reduced the power of kings and tribal leaders. This evolution of thinking about individuals never appeared in the Muslim world. The Muslim world continued to think of the Group and how Allah made all decisions, and the individual had no free will.

These changes made the Arab Muslim world remain stagnant as the west grew and prospered. The young United States, a Christian country with trade and individual rights, surpassed the Arab world in just a few years and became the world's greatest superpower. This progress only created envy in the Arab world. The progress of the west has shown Islam to be a failure in advancing the quality of individual life. The only way to justify centuries of beliefs in Allah is to eliminate the competition, the successful western way of life. It is safe to say that each religion has a share of fanatics that want to eliminate any competition. Competition is a challenge to one's beliefs and these challenges can be embarrassing to false beliefs.

So how does the west fight those radicals in Islam would want to destroy the west?

Killing all Muslims is immoral and unacceptable.

Killing some Muslims will only create more hatred of the west by the new Muslims.

Prohibiting any new Muslim immigrants is a small step.

Expelling all non citizen Muslims is another small step.

Amending the U. S. Constitution to prohibit the teaching of any religion.

Over generations all cultures change. Islam will also change because of modern technology. The leaders of Islam are deeply concerned about this potential change, like Christian leaders have been concerned about technology changing the morals of the young people in the Christian world. Christian leaders passed blue laws that prevented work on Sunday. They wanted people to be free to attend church and give money to the church, and receive their weekly indoctrinations.

We should export ideas through the Internet and trade. Covert propaganda programs will have an impact on changing the minds of young people in the Muslim world.

Time and technology will fight radical Islam better than the U.S. Military will. The radicals of Islam are not afraid of our army. They are afraid of the words in our Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights.

Still, if the violence of some radical Islamists disappears, it will appear in some other excuse for violence and war. As Chris Hedges wrote, "war is a force that gives us meaning to life". War is exciting, and each generation falls to the lure of glory and a place in history.

JEDDAH, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah said on Sunday women in the conservative Islamic kingdom will have the right to join the advisory Shura Council as full members and participate in future municipal elections, meeting a key goal of liberal activists.

"Because we refuse to marginalise women in society in all roles that comply with sharia, we have decided, after deliberation with our senior ulama (clerics) and others... to involve women in the Shura Council as members, starting from the next term," he said in a speech delivered to the Shura Council.

"Women will be able to run as candidates in the municipal election and will even have a right to vote," he added.>


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