Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Why I did not Vote

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Goethe

For close to five decades I have watched and participated in the democratic voting process that takes place every two years in the United States. During that time I have watched my freedoms dissipate slowly, one election at a time.

In the beginning only white males who owned land could vote. They had much in common so there was less plunder among them. The first 150 years of the United States has been the most remarkable time in human history when groups lived side by side but still maintained individual freedoms. As more diverse groups, women and minorities, were allowed to vote, the plunder began to increase. With the new culture of victimology in the latter part of the twentieth century, everyone began to plunder everyone else. One political party promised to be our nanny, the other promised to be our chaperon.

I believe a small group of the same race or gender would likely make democracy work better than a diverse group. Do you think any remaining Jews in Iraq will have their votes mean anything? Will a Muslim vote in a Christian nation get what the Muslim desires?

I decided that I would no longer participate in the illusion that voting is supposed to somehow protect my freedoms. I have learned that Bastiat was right, "Democracy is one group plundering another group."

I realized that my cooperation with the whores in congress continued to reduce my freedoms. I could elect all political virgins to the congressional whorehouse and it would not be long until they became whores, selling their favors. My few minutes in a voting booth every two years was an opiate that made me feel like I was influencing legislation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Legislation is influence by money and lobbyists, or groups that can cause an inundation of letters to be sent to congress. One such group I belong to is;

People will say I have no right to complain if I do not vote. Untrue. The right to complain is an inalienable right. The amount of taxes I pay gives me the right to complain. The number of rules and regulations I suffocate under gives me the right to complain.

The odds of one vote affecting the outcome of an election with millions of voters is very rare. Maybe in a small election of two hundred people one vote might determine the outcome. If ten percent, or one hundred percent, of the people in Florida vote, the outcome can still be only a hundred votes between the winner and loser. In a national election in the United States, the odds of you being killed on the way to the polling booth are greater than the odds your vote will determine the President of the United States.

Still the politicians and those who live off the government exhort us to vote. The biannual ritual gives the media and talking heads a lot of time to sell their advertisers' products predicting the outcome of another "Superbowl" contest American love so much. They simply want us to endorse and legitimize their use of force to take what is mine and tell me how to live, how to talk to females in the workplace, how much I owe in child support, when to wear a seat belt, which tree I can cut down, how to treat my dog, how much of my retirement I can have, and, require me, when I am in agonizing pain, to get permission to buy some pain medicine. A pox on all those who oppose liberty.

Stephen Carter in his book, "The Dissent of the Governed," describes two black evangelical women who change their affiliations from liberal political groups to conservative Christian organizations, explaining that "they preferred a place that honored their faith and disdained their politics over a place that honored their politics and disdained their faith."

Incredible but true! These women are not interested in liberty. They just want someone to respect and honor their beliefs! Sounds like the radical Muslims who want a society governed by the Koran, instead of laws to protect individual rights and freedom.

How can people say they have a choice when money drives politics, not your vote? What kind of a process is it when almost 95% of incumbents win reelection? These incumbents are the ones who take away our freedoms and allow funding for unjust wars. Yet they are reelected over and over. Some of them have been in congress for decades.

Don't vote. It only encourages them to take away more of your freedoms and invade other countries.

Bilbo Baggins


Blogger Ron Southern said...

Angry viper there! But, hey, I agree with much of what you say.

4:51 PM  

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