Freedom For You

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Male Aggression and War

People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt. -Otto von Bismarck, statesman (1815-1898)

Fred Reed has a column, Peeing on Hydrants, about the aggression of males and how this aggression causes war.

I agree with Reed. He also advocates that females would be less likely to go to war. I think a female government would be socialistic, but less wars would happen. Wars have caused so much suffering for humanity that a socialist government run by women, with fewer wars, might be the lesser of the two evils. Male aggression causes wars. We always hear excuses for war, not the reasons.

Women have been part of the problem of male aggression. Females have a natural tendency to mate with the stronger males. This has always been true in most animal societies. Females will wait around as males fight for dominance, then mate with the victor. This has helped the species of all animals improve their survival by naturally breeding the strongest. This could be continued in a female dominated society by a public sperm donor data base that would use the sperm from the healthiest and brightest males.

In China where parents are allowed to have only one child, more female fetuses are aborted than male fetuses. This is creating a time bomb. In the future there will be gangs of males killing each other in order to find a mate.

India also has a culture that prefers male children to female children. "Daughters are generally considered a net liability: they often require a dowry, they leave their natal homes after marriage, and their labor is devalued. The result is a strong preference for sons. In its most extreme form, this preference leads to female infanticide and, more recently, to sex-selective abortion. The preference for sons is readily apparent in the relative neglect of female children, who are weaned earlier than males, receive smaller quantities of less nutritious food and less medical care, and are more likely to be removed from school. This inequitable treatment continues into women's adult lives. Women eat after men, and even during pregnancy their diet is typically inadequate. A high proportion of women receive no treatment for illness; many use home remedies or traditional healers, while men are more likely to receive modem medical and institutional care."

Polygamous societies have many young males without a mate. This creates frustration for the young males. Polygamy will work well in a society that has more females than males.

Male aggression is why there will continue to be violence and gang wars, even if the nation states agree to eliminate State sponsored wars.

One possible solution is to have a male female population ratio of more females than males. Males would have a better chance of finding a mate. If there were 3 females or more for 1 male, the competition for a female mate would diminish significantly, reducing male combatatives. Women that could not find a mate, polygamy would be allowed, could have access to a sperm donor bank where sperm from the healthiest and brightest males would be selected.

With a larger female to male ratio it is likely the governments would become more socialistic. This would be a danger to individual liberty, but it would be better than the death, debt, and destruction wrought by the aggression of males.

Bilbo Baggins


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