Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Rats are Abandoning Ship

Los Angles Times, November 4, 2006. Richard N. Perle, the former Pentagon advisor regarded as the intellectual godfather of the Iraq war, now believes he should not have backed the U.S.-led invasion, and he holds President Bush responsible for failing to make timely decisions to stem the rising violence, according to excerpts from a Vanity Fair, January 2007, magazine interview.

The rats are abandoning the sinking ship. They are trying to save their legacy. After Vietnam the people to blame for the war was President Johnson and Secretary McNamara. In the future the only culprits for the disaster in Iraq will be President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld. Everyone will forget the war frenzy of millions of Americans prior to the invasion, when everyone was waving the flag and sounding the trumpets to kill. They will not remember the enthusiastic cheering for our team in the "Super Bowl" played in Iraq, played on TV, as our army moved hundreds of miles in a few days, and our leaders pontificated, "The ghost of Vietnam had been exorcised."

If Iraq is a disaster then history should judge President Bush harshly. If you are the President of the United States with all the power and perks, then you deserve the glory for a job well done, and the blame for any disaster caused by your decisions. There are many ways to play the chess game of international politics. President Bush chose the favorite chess move of most people with power, force, with all the unseen consequences of war. War brings three Ds; death, debt, and destruction.

Bilbo Baggins


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