Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Democrats or Republicans?

Don't look for any major change in the federal government if the democrats win the congress in 2006. Whether it is the Patriot Act or the Environmental Act, the government will continue to be your nanny or your chaperon. There will be a lot of finger pointing and grandstanding for the 2008 election, but the government register will continue to grow, and we will continue our empire building. Arrogance and hubris are common maladies, especially for super powers.

This is a link to an article by R.W. Bradford, that has a graph (above) of the government spending from 1960-2003.

Democrats and Republicans both increased the size of government and reduced your freedoms. The author is arguing that government spending increased under Reagan. So did the size of the Federal Register, by 19,000 pages per year!

No matter who is governing, people have a desire to belong in a group. That group starts out as a family. It progresses to a tribe, village and nation state. Along the way there is the powerful pull for the group to worship a god, emperor, or nation state.

These groups always fail. Even the smallest groups fail. As the group gets larger it is difficult to tell who is helping the group by being producers and who is hurting the group by not producing. Throughout history there has only been a short time when a nation state promoted individualism over collectivism. That was the first 150 years of the United States. Since that brief time in the world's nation states, the United States has tended more toward socialism, with hundreds government programs.

Why do people have the urge to belong to a group? Is it for self preservation only? Does each of us know we have a dark spot in our heart and we realize we are the only animal species that has a desire to kill it's own kind. We therefore seek the safety and security of a group. What we fail to realize is groups usually turn on themselves and kill the members of the group.

Bilbo Baggins


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