Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A new voice for bigger government

"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it". - George Bernard Shaw

Economist Robert Shiller is the new liberal voice for bigger government because,- he predicted the credit crisis. This one prediction makes him credible for more government regulation. Shiller says our animal instincts, even in buying and selling, must be controlled.

Shiller thinks that government employees who also have animal instincts can control the animal instincts of the rest of us. This logic is as old as Plato's Republic, and like Plato, Shiller is wrong.

The government cannot control envy, greed and the other animal instincts we all have. The government should punish wrongs done to others, but not be given the power to control us. Why would you voluntarily give your power to others who have animal instincts?

People want to believe when their elected officials go to Washington D.C. and become government employees, those government employees will throw away their deadly sins and retain only their heavenly virtues. It just doesn't happen. Power corrupts.

People want the government to provide them with safety and protection, and food and shelter and medical care. If they want that they should go to prison where the government has complete control over their safety and welfare.

However, even in prison, where the government has the lock and key and control over your life, the government does a poor job of protecting you.

Charles Tolleson


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