Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. Benito Mussolini

I think the United Auto Workers made a big mistakes in not granting concession to the congress on the night of Dec 11, 2008, in exchange for financial assistance from the taxpayers.

Many taxpayers are anti union. Many taxpayers are not anti union. Most taxpayers find it appalling that the auto workers can ask for charity from taxpayers when taxpayers themselves are losing their jobs and their homes are decreasing in value.

The taxpayers feel like they are making concessions on a daily basis and cannot understand why the auto workers will not make concessions.

My former company went into bankruptcy and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation took over my pension. I had a significant reduction in my pension. Now the auto workers want to use the U.S. Government to force me to save their pensions!

Today it looks like the Bush Administration is planning on using money from the bank bailout to help the Big 3. This will not save the Big 3. The Big 3 and the UAW have created a public relations blunder. They have alienated the consumers. If the American consumer was not dissatisfied with the Big 3 before, they certainly are now, which means most American consumers will not buy the Big 3 autos in the future, no matter how much the taxpayer is forced to support the Big 3.

The UAW is blackmailing the taxpayer, saying pay us above market wages, or pay us unemployment insurance and take over 700,000 pensions.

The Big 3 has an image and reputation to overcome. It will take many, many years to overcome this negative image.

In the early 80s I had an older friend who was a staunch republican and patriotic American. He served in WW II. He refused to buy an American automobile. His attitude was passed on to his children.

The UAW should have a positive public relations campaign announcing they will make huge concessions and will double their efforts to produce the best and safest car for American consumers. Their concessions will not save their companies. Increased sales is what will help save their company.

Charles Tolleson


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