Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Male Babies Killed by New Guinea Mothers

A recent news story in The Australian said frustrated women in Papua New Guinea's Highland region are killing their male babies to end a tribal fight that has warred for more than 20 years.

Throughout history men have been fighting. They fight individually or in groups. The groups can be small gangs, or large gangs called a nation.

Men are always fighting for plunder. The more plunder they have, the better chance they have to buy women.

Men also fight to eliminate other men, thus reducing the competition for women.

The women of New Guinea may have a solution, fewer males. If there were only one male for ever ten females, males would not need to fight.

China's one child policy on the other hand is going to have a negative impact on China. The one child policy has led to the abortion of female fetuses. There are millions more Chinese males than females, which has lead to desperate men seeking women. This will cause conflicts and resulting violence. China will change course when they realize a society is more peaceful if the gender ratio is higher for females.

This reduction of males to females will happen in the future, but for the present we need to reduce wars between nations because they are counter productive for the human race.

One way to reduce wars between nations is to have a world agreement between nations that no nation can use male troops to invade, occupy, or attack another nation. To attack, invade, or occupy another nation only female troops can be used. Male troops can be used only on a nations own territory as self defense.

Most national leaders would never use only female troops for a foreign invasion or occupation. Females are just too important to the male. Mother nature made it so.

Most geniuses are males. For us to go to distant galaxies, we need the geniuses, but not war.

Charles Tolleson


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