Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Solar Flares, Climate Change

If you walk barefooted on a sandy beach in the summer your feet will hurt from the hot sand, sand that is warmed from the sun.

If you feel a rock on a hot day it will feel warm, warmed by the sun. The temperature of that same rock a million years ago would have felt warm, or cooler, depending upon the sun, not human activity.

If the above image of a solar flare doesn't explain global warming, nothing will.

"The explosions, called solar flares, are capable of releasing as much energy as a billion one-megaton nuclear bombs." NASA

Maybe it's not the sun after all. Maybe it's the earth's core that is heating up.Could the earth's core get so hot the earth will explode?

We know the earth has cracked before and great land masses shifted. That's called plate tectonics. When the earth explodes that will be the end times and all the faithful will be raptured up to Heaven where the temperature will be a constant 72 degrees.

Neither of these reasons for climate change satisfies the humanitarian control freaks who need a purpose in their lives. Nor will it eliminate the government scientist who make a career out of reading thermometers and other measurements, and the private scientists who receive millions in federal grant money to do the same.

Climate change, warming or cooling, is the new mantra of the control freaks. It is filled with perils that instill fear among the populace. Finally, the Marxists have the ultimate rallying cry to do evil as an excuse to promote the greater good.

Look for the control freaks to micro manage our lives, telling us what to eat, and what kind of car to buy. They will tax cows because they produce methane gas, which of course the controllers will say causes global warming. Taxing cows will raise the cost of beef, forcing us to become vegetarians. Certain days we will be required to ride bicycles to work. The controllers however will never have to ride a bicycle to work.

Charles Bah Humbug


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