Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Brainwashing Children for The State

President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush hosted a Children's Holiday Reception at the White House on December 8, 2008.

It seems from the remarks that most of the children were from military families. President Bush said, "Secondly, I am glad you're here because I wanted to thank your moms and dads for serving the United States of America. We love being with our military families because it gives us a chance to express the sincere and deep appreciation of all Americans for the sacrifices that families make. So I want to thank you for standing by your moms and dads, and telling them you're proud of them, and telling them you love them."

After the president's remarks First Lady Laura Bush said, "We have a very special treat for our entertainment today. First, though, I want you to look at these Christmas trees, and you can tell by looking at them what our holiday theme is, and that's it's “A Red, White, and Blue Christmas.” Can you tell it?


MRS. BUSH: And what does that mean? What is red, white, and blue?

CHILDREN: Our flag.

MRS. BUSH: "Our flag. That's right. Those are our country's colors -- red, white, and blue. So this is a chance, on our very last Christmas here at the White House, to celebrate our country. And we're doing it by painting everything red, white, and blue. You probably saw the bunting on the garlands in the hall. And then if you looked at the big, big, blue Christmas tree in the Blue Room, you saw all those ornaments that represent every part of the United States".

I can only read and observe these proceedings as something a successful propagandist would admire. Get to the children early if you want to indoctrinate them into believe myths, lies, and dogmas. Get to them early to make them believe your government is kind and benevolent.

The reception for these children, hosted by the State employees, and paid for by the taxpayers, is designed to instill loyalty and support for those military personnel who are supporting the criminal invasion and occupation of someone else's country.

What would these children think if soldiers from another country were occupying America?

The State propagandists are preparing these children to go into another country and kill someone else's child.

Ebeneezer Scrooge


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