Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

State Budgets, Court System

Many states are finding it difficult to balance their budgets. One way states are trying to balance budgets is to reduce the funding for their court systems, laying off clerks and delaying jury trials. This delays justice for the accused. It slows the action of civil justice.

The reasons for the crisis in the court system is there are too many laws and too many attorneys. How many times have you heard someone say, "There ought to be a law that prohibits, or forces,--"?

The only laws the State should be involved in are laws that punish people for harm against people or their property, which includes theft by fraud.

Almost half the prisoners in America are there for a drug related offense. Most of these are victimless crimes. Legalize drugs and the threatening meltdown of the court system and the state budgets will be eliminated.

Another big court expense is the family courts that try to be the guardians Plato envisioned in the "Republic". The family court spends too much time micromanaging dysfunctional couples. The court should tell those parents who cannot reach an agreement on child custody and child support on their own that the court will put the children into a foster home and make both parents pay until they can decide.

People entering marriage should be required to buy a bond against divorce and child custody battles. All marriages should have pre nuptial contracts to avoid lawsuits in divorces. All people should be required to buy a surety bond to protect against child support. If they have no children in their lifetime, at age 65 they can collect on the bond. This would help eliminate divorce trials and expenses in the family courts.

If the plaintiff and defendant agree to abide by a cultural law; Jewish law or Shira law, they should be allowed to settle their divorces and civil suits there. This would relieve the burden of the courts, made up of Plato's overpaid and over perked guardians.'We-want-to-offer-sharia-law-to-Britain'.html


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