Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

165 Million Workers, Some Economy

There are 145,000,000 civilian people working and another 16,000,000 government employees working in 89 THOUSAND state and local governments, and 14 MILLION federal employees for a total workforce in America of 165,000,000.

So why does Obama say everyone must make a sacrifice in this down economy? Will those government employees make a sacrifice?

Why does Obama and the other government employees tell us Armageddon will happen unless, THE GOVERNMENT does something? Because the government loves the power to do more and more.

The government rewards and encourages people to borrow and go into debt. The government discourages and punishes people for saving. The government will give you a tax credit for interest paid on a house loan and will tax your interest earned in your savings account. Government does nothing well.

My neighbor just bought two foreclosed condos in Salinas, CA. One for $65,000 that sold new for over $200,000. He will rent it out with a positive cash flow. The economy works if the government will get out of the way.

165 million people who want to produce and trade is one big economy. It cannot be controlled by a few government employees. If the government would get out of the way and allow producers to produce, consumers to consume, and savers to save, the economy would do just fine.

Charles Tolleson


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