Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Who Owns Iraq?

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Goethe

Mark Steyn, National Review, January 15th 2007 wrote, "But, psychologically, in the eyes of the world, Iraq for the moment isn’t “foreign” soil: it’s ours".

Psychologically??? Maybe the Iranians think the United States does not own their neighbor, Iraq! If Iran invaded Mexico, do you think we would believe Iran owned Mexico?

Mr. Steyn writes, "So the Administration should follow its catchphrase to its logical conclusion: let’s fight on the offense on enemy turf, so we don’t have to play defense on ours".

"Catchphrase" for sure, and people are willing to go to war over a "catchphrase". Iraq is not ours. But millions of sheep, after reading this agitprop will believe it is ours. The sheep and war lovers will believe Iran is the invader of Iraq while denying that the United States is the invader of Iraq.

Mr. Steyn is continuing the marketing campaign to get the United States to take up Israel's 60 years of religious war. Israel is finding it difficult to keep the Jewish population of Israel from declining. After 60 years of fighting, Jews are having fewer babies and living in safer countries than Israel.

The Pentagon budget has doubled since the year President Bush was elected. This attitude only creates violence. We should bring the troops home and defend "our" borders. No more meddling in other countries, meddling that cause retaliations, like 9/11. Of course defense is boring. Military officers just sitting around and waiting for someone to attack, unprovoked, is not good for careers. Nor is it good for the war profiteers. The media journalists have no war to cover which will enhance their resumes. Offense is more exciting. It requires planning, risk, and execution. Glory and power comes from offense, never defense. Onward Christian soldiers.

Bilbo Baggins


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