Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

New Age of Reason

Yes, Islam has a violent history. So does Christianity. It is a good thing that the west has won the right to free speech, else we would still have our Sunday Blue laws and all the other Biblical laws that promoted Christianity. Were it not for our free speech, atheists and liberals would have to go along with the radical Christians. Those who spoke out against religion, like Thomas Paine with his "Age of Reason", had their careers ended. The Arkansas legislature just voted down a law that would have a Thomas Paine Day. The law was rejected because of Paine's anti religious views. I wonder if Muslims and Christians were allies in the fight against Thomas Paine?

It has become easier during the past fifty years in America for writers to speak out against religion. Sam Harris's, "The End of Faith" and Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" would not have been so popular in the past. In some of Christianity's past these two authors would have been burned at the stake. This secularism of the past fifty years in the west is just what the leaders of Islam are afraid of. If this secularism moves to the Muslim world, and it will, the Imams see their power being destroyed. Successful leaders see trends and the Islam leaders see the future. It is not a world dominated by radical Islam. It is a world where people will advance, thanks to technology, as they have in the past. It is a world of bio-technology, where reason will rule over mythology.

No religious empire nor government empire has stopped man's desire to improve his life. Though Islam is 1300 years old, it to will be consigned to the dust bin of history. Religion casts a shadow on mankind. Shine a light on religion and its shadow disappears.

Like the original Nicene Creed of 325, designed to solidify Christian belief against splinter groups and kings, Islam and Christianity will have a modern day Council of Nicea, designed to use both Christianity and Islam to fight against free thought, secularism, and the new age of reason. Paine's "Age of Reason" was written 350 years after the invention of the printing press. What will the new age of reason be 350 years after the invention of the internet?

Bilbo Baggins


Blogger Ron Southern said...

11:55 AM  

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