Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Obese Voters

One problem of American society is obesity.

A large percentage of the over age 65 demographic are obese. The percentage of young people who are obese is increasing.

This group of obese people makes up a large segment of the voting population. Who is going to pay for their health care? No politician is going to tell them they are taking up a larger portion of the health care than they should. No politician is going to challenge this voting block and tell them their co pay and insurance premiums should be higher than someone who is not obese. Obese people will continue in their gluttonous ways and expect the rest of the tribe to contribute to the health care of the obese voter. As the obese population increases, so will their political power. A doctor in Florida was fired for his anti obesity campaign that attacked donuts and the traditional social functions that provide free donuts. He attacked the culture of eating unhealthy fat foods and was fired.

If the world was all one government, one race, one religion and one culture, with a bounty of food and necessities, and no wars, humans would simply die early of sloth and gluttony.

Charles (Slim) Tolleson


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