Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Predator Attacks

Lt. Mary Yossarian showed up for her usual early 0500 shift. Lt. Yossarian flies the military's Predator, a UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. She flies it from a safe place in air-conditioned comfort at an undisclosed location.

Today's shift involved targeting a terrorist suspect. The predator is unmanned, but not unarmed. It carries two deadly Hellfire missiles that can be launched with pinpoint accuracy by Mary Yossarian, from her safe haven, thousands of miles from her target.

As her shifts progresses, Mary follows the Iraqi countryside from the camera on the Predator. Soon she is directed to target a residential home where a terrorist "suspect" is located. It is noon time and the suspect is home for lunch with his wife and kids.

The radio chatter becomes animated and very professional.

"Suspect target is locked on".

"Roger, standby by while we get approval for attack".

"Predator 1, cleared for attack".

"Confirm, Predator 1 cleared for attack".

"Repeat, Predator 1, cleared for attack"

"Roger, Predator 1 cleared for attack".


"Good Kill! Good Kill!"

Col Cathcart, Lt Yossarain's commanding officer enters the room and congratulates Lt Yossarian. "Lt Yossarian, well done. I'm giving you a letter of commendation for you bravery, dedication, and sacrifice to your country in an effort to protect our freedoms. God bless America".

After a long day and the early show for work, Lt Mary Yossarian arrives home exhausted. She falls asleep watching "American Idol" and fails to see the winner.

Bilbo Baggins


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