Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Women only voters

The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit. Milton Friedman

I fantasize about a political and social experiment that will determine voter preferences, and male and female political desires.

My fantasy would have one state allow only females to vote. A neighboring state would only allow males to vote. I would like to see the policies and programs of the two different states that only allow voting based on gender.

Would the state that allows female only voting attract more females, or fewer females? Would males avoid living in the state where only females could vote? And in the state that allows only male voting, would females avoid that state?

My prediction is males would avoid the female voting states more than females would avoid the male voting states. Each gender would do what is in their best interest. Females might move to a male voting state simply to find a mate, thinking there would be more males to choose from to provide security for her and her children. The same thing might attract males to a female voting state, thinking there might be more females to select from. In each state there would be a demand for skills offered by each gender. Neither gender would be able to enslave the other gender because that gender could leave and go to the neighboring state.

Another fantasy I have is two neighboring states where one state allows only poor people to vote and the neighboring state allows only rich people to vote. What would happen to the populations? I believe the market would work. People would put aside their political principals for their economic benefits. Poor people would move to the state where only rich people could vote because the rich people will need vendors and suppliers of goods and services. This need will create opportunities for the poor people. Poor people will put their economic needs ahead of their political principles.

Another political fantasy of mine would be to have two neighboring states in which only private business owners could vote in one state, and in the other state private business owners could not vote. Both groups of voters would be looking out for their best interest.

The private business owners would pass laws to reduce competition and make profits easier. The business owners would be looking out for themselves. They might have a high minimum wage imposed on all business just to make it difficult for start up businesses to hire the unskilled at a much lower cost. The form of government that would evolve with only business owners voting would be fascism.

In the state where private business owners could not vote, the voters would have to make it worthwhile for private owners to exist. A more likely scenario would be the State would own all businesses. All workers would be state employees. Their power would be immense. High wages and benefits would prevail. Short store hours and poor service for the customers would be normal. This system would be completely communistic. It would be the ultimate collective. It too would fail like thousands throughout history have failed.

Both fascism and Communism fail because they punish production and reward non production.

These experiments would prove that people will put their economic interests ahead of their desire to vote. If they vote they will vote their fears, dogmas, and economics before they will vote for liberty and individual self reliance. This is why the founders created a republic instead of a straight democracy.

These experiments would also show that democracies with universal suffrage create conflicts between groups. Each group goes to the polls trying to plunder the other groups.

Charles Tolleson


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