Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My economic stimulus package

The politicians are trying to out do each other on an economic stimulus package. President Bush just announced his plan, and the market went down. The market does not approve of the government plans because the government takes too much production from the economy and spends it in non productive ways.

This is my economic stimulus package.

After reducing taxes and spending, they should start by eliminating many of the rules that impede economic development.

They should repeal the minimum wage for anyone who is hired within the next 12 months.

They should eliminate all of the EEOC requirements for hiring and firing any employee hired during the next 12 months.

They should eliminate the licensing requirement to start a taxi business, barber shop, beauty salon, garage and many other businesses.

They should allow private property owners to build any building on their property that is zoned for such building, without a building permit, or EPA study.

This would stimulate the economy and increase tax revenues.

Charles Tolleson

"On one issue both men and women agree; they both distrust women." H. L. Mencken


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