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Sunday, January 06, 2008

More on Newt Gingrich's Speech

Another forum I am on posted the Nov 15, 2007 New Gingrich speech, again, and some of the war lovers think the speech is great.

Newt Gingrich has many complaints with our foreign policy, some I agree with. However, his only choice is, "I suggest we defeat our enemies and create a different situation long before they have that power."

The war complex and war lovers cannot exist without enemies, real or imaginary.

Many organizations need enemies to rally their people. The churches created Satan as an enemy.

Who are our enemies and why are they enemies? Could it be they are the enemies of Israel instead of our enemies? Newt gave the speech to the Jewish National Fund. Who else would pay thousands of dollars for a speaker to advertise for war against Israel's enemies? Well, the Armageddonites, who need war and destruction, might pay to promote their beliefs.

Maybe our enemies are enemies because our Christian army invades and occupies their countries.

How should we defeat "our" (Israel's) enemies? This sounds like more of the same foreign policy, unless Newt is saying we should invade Iran and Pakistan. Since we do not have the manpower for that, is Newt suggesting we just nuke them before they nuke us? Then we create more enemies. Do we nuke them also?

We call ourselves civilized. Yet we continue to kill over beliefs that have not been proven since they were advocated 2000 years ago.

It is said God made man in God's image. I suppose that makes God a misanthropic sadist. Why else would someone who is omnipotent do so much harm?

I sound misanthropic sometimes, but my hope for mankind seems more generous than what God has delivered. If I had God's power there would be no wars or diseases and we would be exploring distance galaxies by now.

Charles Tolleson
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich delivered the following remarks to a Jewish National Fund meeting Nov. 15 at the Selig Center.

We don't have to be stupid. The choice is not cowardice or total war. Reagan unlocked Poland without firing a shot in an alliance with the pope, with the labor unions and with the British. We have every possibility if we're prepared to be honest to shape the world. It'll be a very big project. It's much closer to World War II than it is to anything we've tried recently. It will require real effort, real intensity and real determination. We're either going to do it now, while we're still extraordinarily powerful, or we're going to do it later under much more desperate circumstances after we've lost several cities.We had better take this seriously because we are not very many mistakes away from a second Holocaust. Three nuclear weapons is a second Holocaust. Our enemies would like to get those weapons as soon as they can, and they promise to use them as soon as they can.

I suggest we defeat our enemies and create a different situation long before they have that power.


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