Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Prisoners of the government schools

"The believer is happy. The doubter is wise". Irish proverb

Home schooling in California is declared illegal. If you home school your child you have to set up a private school.

A judge, quoting from an earlier court decision wrote, “A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare,”

The government in most states require children to attend the government schools until the child is 16 years old. Recently 26 states have raised the "permissible drop out" age to 17 or 18.
California is facing a budget crisis. It cannot educate the 6.3 million students in K-12 with 48 billion dollars each year, or over $7600 per student. It certainly cannot handle another 160,000 students who are now home schooled. In order to solve the budget crisis, California should encourage and make home schooling easier. It should provide free computers and Internet access to stay at home parents of school age children. California should provide an online learning site. By this, and offering each home schooling parent $1000 per student, the state could save billions.

Some people never give up on seeing Plato's dream of having the state take the children and raise them. The states select the books and subjects the school prisoners must learn. The states, by forcing children to attend the government schools, will insure the states get to indoctrinate the citizens into allegiance to the state. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.

The state will also be insured of a steady supply of customers for their product. This will always justify raising taxes, "For the children". The state bus drivers, janitors, counselors, nurses, administrators, education colleges, and teachers will all lobby the state to use force and aggression on parents and young people to supply them with a supply of customers. Then the same aggressors will force the producers of society to pay the state aggressors for their services. The available use of force and aggression guarantees the state employees do not have to provide a quality service.

If I had children in government schools today I would advise them to attend classes regularly and learn as much as they could. I would advise them to read everything they could get their eyes on. I would advise them to never stop learning. I would advise them to read, Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau, 1849.

Then I would tell them to be pleasant and non violent in the schools. I would tell them to do their homework to learn, but, never turn in any homework. I would tell them to fail every test they take in school. I would tell them to never raise their hand in class. When asked a question by the teacher, always say, "I refuse to answer that question because I am a prisoner here".

When asked why he did not do his homework I would advise him to answer, "Slavery is illegal. I refuse to do work demands of the state. The state does not own me. I own myself".

Then watch the wildfire spread among the young government school prisoners who have access to the Internet.

Charles Tolleson


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