Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Congress blamed for rise in college tuition

"A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in the students." Unknown

The House of Representatives just caused the cost of college to increase! They want Congress to pay for poor people to go to college.

Not really. Congress keeps their personal money. They will confiscate money, by force, from others, to pay for college for the poor. This simply means more buyers, demanding more, from the current suppliers. Unless Congress is suddenly going to increase the number of colleges and professors, the law of supply and demand means the cost will increase.

College costs have been increasing since the government got involved with the GI Bill after WW II. "The growth in federal student aid makes this clear. According to data from the College Board, real federal aid -- including grants, loans, and tax credits -- ballooned from $48.7 billion in the 1996-97 academic year to almost $86.3 billion in 2006-07, a 77 percent leap. On a per-pupil basis, aid per full-time equivalent student -- most of which came through Washington -- rose from $6,627 to $9,499, a 43 percent increase. Meanwhile, the per-pupil cost of tuition, fees, room and board rose 29 percent at private four-year schools, from $25,031 to $32,307, and 41 percent at public four-year institutions, from $9,657 to $13,589. In other words, college prices kept rising because aid made sure they could."

I used the GI Bill in 1956. I was given $110 per mo. After I married I received $135 per mo.

What happens when everyone has a college degree? Then Congress and the humanitarians will panic and say we have to get everyone an advanced degree.

The cause of war has been plunder. It has been easier to plunder than produce. Under democracy plunder still happens. Who are the plunderers of your dollars towards college tuitions? The list is long; American Association of University Professors, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Association of College Administration Professionals, The Association of College & University Policy Administrators, and the American College Personnel Association, to name a few.

These plunderers go to Congress to ask the government mob to confiscate your dollars and give them to the colleges. Congress is happy to plunder from you if it means members of the congress mob get to keep their elaborate lifestyles.

If Congress wanted to decrease the cost of college tuition they should convert abandoned commercial real estate into colleges and allow volunteers to teach. This would increase the supply, thus lowering the cost. There are millions of retired people, military and professional, who would love to pass on their knowledge to young students.

I predict the demise of colleges as we know them. They are pricing themselves out of the market and will be replaced with online learning. After that, in the not too distant future, all knowledge will be accessible to the brain from a small storage device. The only remaining need for colleges will be as a place for government indoctrination.

Bilbo Baggins


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