Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Southern CA fires, rewarding sloth

Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows. David T Wolf

I mentioned in an earlier post that government is the only organization that punishes work and rewards sloth. President Bush is going to reward people in Southern California who did not buy fire insurance, by funneling your money to them. Those people who sacrificed and bought fire insurance, well, they will also contribute to those who did not. This message tells people that responsibility, what most people fear, is not necessary. Irresponsibility will be rewarded.

Imagine if squirrels had a government that rewarded sloth. Those squirrels that did not gather nuts for the winter would get to eat from the supply of those who did hard work and gathered food for the winter.

The local and state governments want the houses rebuilt as quickly as possible because that is some of their tax base. Therefore the local and state governments lobby strongly for the feds to borrow or print money to help out the locals. The locals cannot print or borrow money like the feds.

What most people fail to realize is these fires are usually started on government owned land where environmentalists refuse to allow tree cutting. The government owned land is never cared for as well as private owned land. Then the government holds a press conference, forces us to evacuate our property, and tells us what a great job they are doing.

Destroying 1500 homes by fire will reduce the supply of homes on the market for sale. This will help stabilize home values, which will help the tax base for local and state governments.

Environmentalists think it is fine for a cruel mother nature to destroy all God's creatures, but man should not destroy any. Some city governments prohibit cutting old trees on private property.

Innovation, if the government will get out of the way, will see people living in fire resistant houses, with artificial trees and shrubbery made of steel. The environmentalists will still be angry.

Bilbo Baggins

Bush declares California disaster area

By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer

President Bush continued to step up federal engagement in the California wildfire emergency Wednesday, signing a major disaster declaration that funnels federal money to people whose property losses aren't covered by insurance.

Bush send he wants the people of Southern California to hear a message loud and clear from Washington.

"Americans all across this land care deeply about them," the president said after a Cabinet meeting convened to coordinate federal efforts. "We're concerned about their safety. We're concerned about their property."


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