Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Female scarcity, supply and demand

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Gender imbalance is high in China.
Gender imbalance also exists in India.

This gender imbalance will be corrected by the age old law of economics, supply and demand.

As a country produces less of one gender, the shortage of the other gender will make the other gender more valuable. The correction will however take many years.

Imagine the value a woman will have in China as millions of boys become men. Imagine the value of an attractive woman in China who is offering her affections to the highest bidder.

The men in China will resort to the ancient and primitive act of killing off the competition, or working harder to make more money to buy a woman.

Women will have the power to decide which gender in her womb is aborted. Do you think a woman would abort more male fetuses than female? This would create more females than males, therefore reducing the value of the woman. No woman is going to reduce her value, which is her power.

If there were more females than males, 3-1, males would not have to work as hard and compete with each other. Females would instead have to work and provide for themselves. Females see a good thing in their scarcity. There is power, wonder working power, for women who are in demand.

Bilbo Baggins


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