Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Privatize driver license examiners

For many years I have renewed my driver's license in California through the mail. After age 70 when my license came up for renewal I was required to go the Department of Motor Vehicle office in person and take a written and vision exam. Seems reasonable.

I made an appointment online and printed out the information. It even told me which window to go to upon arrival.

I arrived on my appointment date and took the eye exam and failed in my right eye. The agent told me I could continue to take the written, get photographed and fingerprinted, and if I passed the written I could get a 60 day temporary license. Since I failed the vision test I would need to take Form 962 to a vision specialist for an eye exam. I would bring the results of the exam back to the DMV and be required to take a road test.

I took the 962 form, did the written exam, was photographed and fingerprinted, and received my 60 day temporary license. That all took only 30 minutes. I was impressed with how "The Terminator" was running the California DMV.

I saw a vision specialist. He filled out the form and gave me a new prescription for glasses which improved my vision in my right eye.

Now I prepared for the road test. I could not make a road test appointment online. I had to call a toll free number and go through a long and confusing menu before talking to a person to make an appointment. The first appointment I could get was two weeks away!

While waiting for my road test appointment I practiced driving by the rules of the road as given in the California Drivers Handbook. It soon became apparent to me that all drivers break some rules of the road by the time they drive a few blocks in an urban area. When stopping behind another car you must be able to see the rear wheels of the other car. Always look backwards when backing or changing lanes, and many other rules. Still I practiced and tried to break some old driving habits.

One day I thought I would explore using a private driving instructor to see if there was anything I might have missed. I called a private instructor listed in the yellow pages to make an appointment. No two week wait here! He said he could come to my house at 3 p.m. that day for two hours of instructions, for $60. He would show me the streets the State examiners use. I said come on out.

He arrived early and away we went. He showed me all the streets I would drive during the test and any places I might make an error. He showed me where to park at the DMV office, where to go, checked my car for lights, etc. It was two hours well spent.

I showed up for my road test at my appointed time, with my new and stronger glasses. As a curiosity I asked if I could retake the eye exam since I had new glasses. Sure, she said. I took the vision test and passed. No road test required. My temporary license was extended for another 60 days. The permanent plastic license will be mailed to me. Because there is a small cataract in my right eye as shown by the vision specialist exam, my license is only good for 2 years. Cataracts can change.

I wonder why the private driving instructor could not be a designated examiner? He was very through, quick and efficient, and courteous. The government employees at the DMV were polite, but, I knew I had to treat them with courtesy because they were in control. With the private instructor, I felt like I was in control. I could cancel the driving lesson at any time if he was rude. The free market is a beautiful thing to the customer.

The Federal Aviation Administration allows non government employed pilots to give pilot flight exams. The private examiners give pilot tests just like federal examiners. There is no reason private examiners could not give road tests to drivers. The State could oversee the private examiners. Poor people could still use the state examiners. The State charged me $27 for the license renewal, including a road test if necessary. People who are in a hurry could have the private examiner come to their house for a fee.

Charles Tolleson


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