Lost Freedoms

It is often recited with religious fervor that America is "The land of the free and the home of the brave".
We constantly hear the military nation tell us how much they sacrificed to protect our freedoms.
Looking at this image of our local law enforcement dressed in military gear, even wearing 'combat' boots, (are they going hiking?) and an armored car for their use, makes one wonder where our freedoms went. These civilian government employees have become military like in their behavior. They can walk onto your private driveway and attach a GPS to your car, without a warrant, to track your travels.
The President of the United States can order the assassination of an American citizen! No evidence. No trial. Just execute. Where are the freedoms our military say they protected for us?
The FBI investigates anti war groups. They want the government to be free to commit war because war gives the government power. The FBI thinks the anti war groups may be violent or will interfere with the government policies of invading and occupying other smaller countries by the U.S. bully. The FBI thinks it is fine for the government to be violent.
Individual freedoms restricts the the government mob from gaining power and perks.
Who will bring back our freedoms? Don't expect those democrat or republican candidates running for office to reduce the size of government that infringes on ever aspect of your life.
Sometimes when I hear my friends advocate support for these government mobsters I think I would be better off if I chose the trees in my neighborhood as my friends.
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ~James Madison, speech, Virginia Convention, 1788
Charles Tolleson
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