"Don't Tread on Me", flag

The news of September 1, 2010 has a story about some people displaying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag instead of the United States Flag. Some members of society want no other flags shown except the State and Federal flags.
A homeowners association has a ban against displaying the DTOM flag, citing an Arizona law- that allows Arizonans to fly "the Stars and Stripes, the state flag, flags representing Indian nations as well as the official flags of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard," the New York Times reports.
Most flag worship is about unity of the tribe. Each member has a primitive fear of other tribes so they try to unite their own tribe for self preservation. Even Benjamin Franklin, who first designed the flag as a snake cut into 8 pieces, (Image above) representing the 8 colonies, said, "Join or die". Those are pretty bold words, but those words echo the sentiments of tribes all over the world who want unity for self preservation. When they become successful as a larger tribe, like the United States, then they can invade and conquer other tribes.
No one had to die Mr. Franklin. If King George had a Federal Reserve Bank that could print money so he could provide the colonists with Medicare, Social Security, Pubic Housing, and Medicaid, there would have been no revolution. Instead the colonists would have acted like docile sheep, willing to be sheared.
Why are people afraid of competition to their flags, beliefs, and gods. It shows a lack of faith in the merits of their idols if they cannot stand the competition. It could mean that someone who has worshipped the Stars and Strips all their lives has worshipped a symbol of empirical tyranny. Destroy our illusions of what we believe in and you destroy our happiness.
I prefer a flag that displays individual freedom instead of group behaviour with centralized power, which is why my personal flag is the Jolly Roger.
"A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; instead, it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions!" -- Friederich Nietzsche
Charles Tolleson
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