Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

1 in 4 College Women will be raped

September 12, 2010

CNN had a news story that one in four college women will be raped. They said a whopping 95% of the rapes go unreported! The assumption that 25% of college women will be raped during four years of college comes from a study by the Department of Justice that ESTIMATED this data.

If so many women do not report the rape and there is no criminal prosecution or conviction, how can one say it is rape? Just because a woman says she was raped does not mean she was.

If rape is such a horrible crime, as the feminists want it to be, then certainly there would be more than 5% of the victims who would report being raped. It must not be that horrible of a crime. Many women have sex during a night of binge drinking. Their conscience is clear. They can say they were raped, but still get to participate in the pursuit of pleasure. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported in 2009 that alcohol is a contributing factor in 97,000 cases of sexual assault or date rape each year. I believe there is plenty of sex that happens when one is drunk, but if this many cases of sexual assault actually happened each year then our jails and justice system would be overwhelmed.

The message is a constant harangue of how innocent and virtuous females are and how evil males are. The message is clear, women deserve more and men deserve less. The message is we need more laws to protect women. Soon it will be illegal for a man to have sex with an intoxicated woman, even if the man is also intoxicated. Women can always use the excuse of being intoxicated for her behavior. A man cannot use intoxication as an excuse for his behavior or anything else as an excuse for his behavior. Men have responsibility, women have authority and choices. Men think they are powerful and in charge. The opposite is true. “A woman’s weakness is her strength. A man’s strength is his weakness.”

“A woman's strength is the irresistible might of weakness.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses.” Madam Marie Anne du Deffand

“We justly consider women to be weaker than ourselves, and yet we are governed by them.” Sebastien Roch Nicolas de Chamfort

Why is there never any media attention about the rape of males, an unnatural act? When male victims of rape in prisons are mentioned it is mentioned with laughter. Women have no sympathy for male victims of rape. Women want and have an exclusive use of victim status. Being a member of a victim class is power, and power corrupts.

This blog has a list of the top 10 feminists’ lies about men.

1) 1/4 of college women have been raped (or rape attempted). WRONG!

2) Only 2% (or 8%) of rape charges are false. WRONG!

3) Women only make 77 cents per each dollar a Man makes for the same work. WRONG!

4) Men cannot be forced to pay child support for children that are not biologically theirs. WRONG!

5) Women have been oppressed by "Men" and the "patriarchy" for ~5000 years. WRONG!

6) Gender differences are all socialized (by the "patriarchy"), not biological. WRONG!

7) Women can happily & safely enjoy casual sex just "like Men." WRONG!, WRONG! and WRONG!

8) Men inflict more domestic violence than women. WRONG!

9) Single mothers have no problem raising healthy, functional, well-adjusted kids without fathers. WRONG!

10) Patriarchy is bad. WRONG!

Charles Tolleson
September 12, 2010


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