Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Taxpayers should be allowed to allocate a portion of their taxes

America is a land of taxation that was founded to avoid taxation. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter

May 4, 2008 Actor Wesley Snipes was sentenced to three years in prison on tax charges. Prosecutors went after him with a vengeance. After all, if Snipes could get away with not paying taxes, the IRS and Federal Prosecutors might have to look for a job. Therefore the prosecutors wanted to get plenty of publicity by prosecuting a well known actor. They wanted to send a message that jail was waiting for anyone who tried to keep what they earned.

His three convictions were all misdemeanors. Snipes had no previous criminal record. Despite this, a federal judge sentenced Snipes to 3 years in prison, for 3 misdemeanors!

U.S. District Judge William Terrell Hodges should have recused himself from the sentencing because he has a conflict of interest. Judge Hodges, like the federal prosecutors, get their income from taxpayers. There is no way a federal judge can be unbiased when it comes to the source of income for his own livelihood.

Some in the past have argued for a voluntary tax. This is unlikely to ever be approved. Though many organizations exist on voluntary contributions, and a State could also, it does not allow for legal plunder and one main purpose for which the current government exists, and that is simply, income redistribution.

A better way to insure tax collections and have a participatory government is to allow taxpayers to designate which agencies or departments they want their taxes to go. The taxpayer could allocate his taxes to 10 different departments or agencies. This would eliminate the power of lobbyists and individual committee chairs in congress.

Taxpayers in 2008 can allot a voluntary contribution of $3 on their IRS Form 1040 towards public campaign financing. This shows the taxpayers will voluntary fund things they believe are important.

Allocating your taxes to 10 different departments might not be approved either. Another option would be to have half of your taxes go to the general treasury. The other half you will be able to allocate to 5 different department or agencies. This would give taxpayers a say in how their confiscated production is spent by the mob who confiscates it.

Charles Tolleson, the plundered


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