Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Accidental births and random events

On another group I belong, one poster is often glorifying war. Some others have a strong desire to invade and kill Muslims in their countries. Still others advocate for Universal Health Care, and other big government programs. There are those who also believe in the Rapture.

I submit all these people and their views are accidents of birth and victims of random events. They were accidentally born into their health, by their DNA. They were accidentally born into their religion, language, and the country they would pledge allegiance to.

None of these decisions were made by them. Most of their opinions were formed for them by the words of others, and their experiences. They reacted in whatever environment they were born, to what was in their best interest. If they were born into an evil environment they practiced evil. If they were born into a virtuous environment they practiced virtue.

If they were born male, they behaved and made choices based on the accidental odds of nature that decided their gender. If they were born females nature also made them make choices based on nature.

If a man came from the womb of a French peasant woman in 1795 he might have fought for Napoleon at Waterloo and lost. If he had been born instead to an English peasant woman he might have fought for Wellington at Waterloo and won. Both births were random events.

There are American advocates today who hope their sons will go kill Muslims. If these advocates had been born Muslims they would be hoping their sons would kill Americans.

If you chose 20 years ago, between two financially strong companies, to work for one that has since gone out of business and you are unemployed, you made a bad choice. It was a random event that would not have happened if you had been born a day earlier, or from a different womb.

Some people somehow think there is a mystical god somewhere that we cannot; touch, see, hear, taste, or smell that determines who will be born enemies to each other. There is no proof of this theory. Our lives are accidents, or else God is very cruel.

We were not some ethereal thought floating around in space trying to decide whose sperm and egg we would use to become a flesh and blood creature. If so, we would have all selected a womb that would have provided us with a life of leisure and pleasure.

Those who think we have free will, the will to make choices, are correct. However, the choices are in a culture and environment that is a result of our accidental birth and the subsequent events that happened as a child which we had no control over.
As the world has more globalization, interracial and inter religious marriages, the accidental births will have less distinctions between the birth of a Muslim and the birth of a Jew.
Charles Tolleson, an accident
“When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, the little space I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of space of which I am ignorant, and which knows me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there, why now rather than then?” Blaise Pascal

"I might be an accident, but taxes are not." Richard Tolleson, b.1961


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