Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Qualifications for; President, Congress and Governors

In Plato's "Republic", the question is put to Socrates, "Who will guard the guardians?" Plato's answer to this is that "We must tell the guardians a noble lie. The noble lie will inform them that they are better than those they serve and it is therefore their responsibility to guard and protect those lesser than themselves. We will instill in them a distaste for power or privilege, they will rule because they believe it right, not because they desire it."

If Socrates lived longer he might have realized Lord Acton's dictum that "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

So how do we elect guardians, or statesmen as Socrates advocated? Personally I do not think there is any class fit to rule me. My thoughts aside, most people believe leaders are necessary for order and survival. With this perceived necessity, I have some suggestions about qualifications for people to serve as President, Governor, Senator and Representative.

I think each member of congress and the president should be required to serve in some capacity in the military or coast guard.

I think each member of congress and the president should have owned and operated a for profit business with at least 5 employees, and the business should have been profitable for 5 years out of 7 years.

Each member of congress and the president must certify they have read 200 books that were published 50 years earlier than when read .

Currently members of the House of Representatives must be 25 years old, the Senate, 30, and the President must be 35. I think these ages are too young. The minimum age for any president or member of congress should be 65.

Term limits will apply. Any leader that is over 70 will be required to pass an annual physical measuring cognitive skills.

By raising the age of our leaders we will inhibit some of the passions and callowness of youth. A 65 year old leader will have experienced many lies and betrayals. One who is older is less likely to be a dreamer, and more likely to be a realist.

I'm not saying wisdom comes automatically with age. By requiring candidates to be readers, military veterans, and business owners, we will have a better chance our leaders understand society and human behavior better than when they were young.

Some of the human vices nature puts on animals will diminish in old age. In old age fewer people are distracted by youthful desires to mate.

One last requirement for the president, governors, and members of congress to make them think of the country first. They all must take a vow of poverty.

Bilbo Baggins

"Expelling tawdry bauble and pontification comes with ease.” Rich Tolleson


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