Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Pope comes to America

For some, the experience of Mass with Benedict was overwhelming. It made Barbara Loh of Williamsburg, VA., tear up. "I've been Catholic all my life," she said. "My dream has always been to see the pope."

To some people, even President Bush, the Pope seems like a rock star. People simply want to see the old man dressed in a funny costume wearing a pointed crown that looks like a dunce cap. The Pope's Alitalia Airlines flight's call sign is "Shepherd One". That means the rest of us are his sheep. Not me, thank you. However, many people need a shepherd, hence, they like the Pope to be their number one shepherd. I have more respect for someone who wants to be a shepherd than I do for someone who wants a shepherd. I fear the flock more than I fear the shepherd.

The media treats this preacher, who is the head of a church, as if he makes policy for the world and has a standing army of millions. He is the head of a cult. His church is located in Vatican City, a country generously granted by Italy, and a country that is only 108 acres in size, and has less than a thousand citizens. Yet, the head of this tiny country is greeted at a U.S. Military base, Andrews Air Force Base, by the President of the United States!

The Pope exhorts America to create a foreign policy based on morals. Sounds good. That's not what the church said when they wanted America to fight wars to protect the Catholic Church's property in Europe and South East Asia against communist seizure in the 20th century.

The Catholic Church has little or no property in the Muslim Middle East. If it did the Pope would be demanding the U.S. Military fight for the usual; freedoms, etc, when the Pope would only be wanting to protect its property and membership, which makes donations, donations to his power and opulent life style.

The Pope comes to America to shore up its declining loyal support by its members. During the past 7 years, since the sex scandals of Catholic priests, there have been 1300 Catholic schools closed in the U.S. New immigrants are keeping up the membership, but they cannot afford the tuition, though low, to the private Catholic schools. Old members are not as faithful to the Catholic dogma.

The Pope is on a marketing mission, trying to sell the values of the church. The Catholic Church just named some new sins. One new sin, designed to recruit new members is- Pollution! Another new sin is, Social Injustice! That may even convert some liberal socialist to Catholicism.

When the Pope says, in a speech at the White House, "God bless America", you know the purpose of his sojourn to America is recruitment.

A recent survey shows that 16% of Americans admit to being skeptic, atheists or not affiliated with any religion. This number grows larger each decade. The Pope and other religious leaders see a decline in their power and opulent life styles. During Voltaire's time admitting to being an atheists brought death.

The controversial Reverend Wright of Chicago sure knows the good life.- "The details of Reverend Wright's retirement package paid for by the good people of Trinity United Church of Christ? Well, I thought you would never ask! Try this on for size: 10,000+ square feet of luxurious living space, four bedrooms, and a total price tag of $1.6 million. But wait ... there's more! This is not all the Reverend wins on today's episode of Overly Vocal Hate Peddlers. Nope. The church also has a $10 million credit line attached to the property for purposes unknown reports Jeff Goldblatt."
"The Christian faith from the beginning, is sacrifice: the sacrifice of all freedom, all pride, all self-confidence of spirit; it is at the same time subjection, a self-derision, and self-mutilation". Friedrich Nietzsche

Charles Tolleson, The Happy Skeptic


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